Friday, August 21, 2009

Off to College...

We left about 11:00am this morning to drive the 25 miles to Brandon's new college, Belmont Abbey. (Yes, it is a Catholic school- with Benedictine Monks and everything!) There were a line of people greeting parents and students in the parking lot and showing us which way to go. We got our packets and name tags, then for some reason, the guides didn't think they needed to guide us any further. So we wandered through the campus in search of the dorm. (Good thing I called last week to find out what dorm/room he was in!)

We got to the dorm, got his key, met his RA and then were told we'd have to get in line to park. Which was fine, but no one said where the line was. So we wandered around some more. Discovered that half of the info we needed was in our packets (that they didn't tell us to read- guess I should have known!)

We get into the room, and there are 3 beds! Yes, they'll have a 3rd roomie for a couple of nights until they do the "who didn't show up" room shuffle. So we're trying to cram things wherever we can cram them. His roommate arrives, and they are going to be great friends. Tashawn and his parents (yes, they're black) were so friendly and accommodating that it doesn't appear these boys are going to have any trouble getting along. The parents are very sweet, but have a 4 hour drive home (I tried not to rub in the 30 min drive I had!) so they were back on the road fairly quickly. I went to WM to get the little odds and ends that they didn't have. No coaxial cable for the TV. No security lock for the laptop... things like that.

Then it was time for supper and goodbye. Took the boys to McDonalds- the college was having supper for them, but the line was huge! I guess feeding 300 people all at one time wasn't a very good idea.

They have a full schedule, with basically no free time the next three days. All orientation, getting to know the school, getting to know each other.. and the basketball coach made everything mandatory! I'm glad, because he said on the way there that he might want to come home tonight and not stay the weekend. I was encouraging him to do everything they had planned. Coach solved the problem! Savannah and I will go back for supper tomorrow night. The boys need a wireless router and I have an extra one here at home I'll take them. So I get to see him again soon!


  1. sounds familiar...I remember when Erin went to Ohio...LONG drive from Hendersonville. And then the house was so empty for a while. They come back home with laundry, and 30 mins is a weekend trip! Lots of weekends!

  2. That is perfect! He can get used to being away from home but can you see again tomorrow. I was never that close to home when I was in school. Both of you are lucky.

  3. The room's too clean.

    I'm betting it didn't smell, either.

  4. It didn't smell, but I packed some Febreeze anyway. I'm sure it will smell at some point- two athletic boys sharing a 10x10 space!

  5. It's supposed to smell; that's all part of the communal living experience.

  6. Well, they had two mommas in there wiping things down and putting things away... I'm sure they'll make their mark soon!

    And I'm giggling, too, Kathy!

  7. I think you are a really thoughtful and sensible person Janeen.

  8. That's the last time that'll happen 'till May.

  9. This is so cool...He's only 30 minutes away so he can return almost every week. I see laundry in your

  10. I see a LOT of laundry in your future...three roomies worth! lol!

  11. Brings back fond memories. I hope he has the time of his life, I did.

  12. I wanted to stay! I loved college- it made me want to do it all over again!

  13. He'll be JUST fine! lol. I too went to a Catholic college.. and it's not that much different than any other college. Just a few added classes for a more rounded education.. that will come to CENTER him in later years. If he's lucky.. he'll catch on now! lol.

    He's in good hands MOM!! They are used to taking boys.. and making them MEN.. responsible and all that jazz!! grrrrrrrrin!

  14. PS.. bet that's the last time.. that bed's every made!!! lol

  15. Awww and off they go! I miss my kids when they wetre little...but love them too now of course. We just miss them when they go off!! xoxoxoxo
    huggs x

  16. His bed was made when I got there today (he knew I was coming- cause his roomie's wasn't made! LOL!) Got his router hooked up. And everything's working. The boy isn't IT savvy- that's my biggest worry. Oh well, I'm only 30 min away and can go fix whatever he messes up!

  17. How can kids not be IT savvy? lol!

    Glad you're close, though.

  18. I'm thinking he's going to get to be IT savvy pretty fast! He's just never had to troubleshoot anything. Probably my fault- he says it won't work and I fix it.

  19. That's what I do with the kids. Probably more often than I should, to be honest.
