Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Ten Tired Tuesday Thoughts

1. I'm tired. Too much staying up late and getting up early. I could do that in my 20's no problem. 40's? No way.

2. Today is Brandon's birthday. He's 19.

3. Funny how they always wanted cake and presents and to celebrate their birthday ON their birthday. Now they just want money.

4. I'm throwing him a surprise party on Friday. Having all his friends over in the pool and cooking burgers.

5. He leaves for college in 10 days. Granted, he's only going to be 20 miles away, but I'm still going to miss him!

6. Did I mention I'm tired? Can I go to bed yet?

7. Savannah has softball practice in an  hour, so no bed yet. It is storming, so maybe they'll cancel it.

8. I still have laundry to do, though. Mom sends me her housekeeper when she doesn't need her. She comes tomorrow, so I'll spend tonight picking things up. Funny how you have to clean so the housekeeper can come clean!

9. I think I'm tired because of lack of exercise. Should I join a gym? I do better if I have somewhere to go and make an appointment out of it. This "I'll do it sometime tonight" isn't happening.

10. Does it seem like there aren't as many blogs to read today?


  1. You've got the best exercise equipment available. . . your POOL !!

    Tons of great ways to get in shape by using your pool . Walking in it, twisting, different swimming strokes, etc . . . .one great exercise for all upper body muscles is to swim free-style or breast-stroke but drag your legs behind instead of kicking .

  2. I have had fun like that! It is round and if you walk around the edge, it makes a current. Then you turn and walk the other way and it is real hard. Trouble is, it is raining right now. Thunder and lightning and the pool don't mix too well!

  3. Savannah was holding my legs yesterday- I was pulling with my arms, she was kicking! Tons of fun.

  4. I used to do that too when we had a pool! We'd all get walking around the perimeter (well, Rachel me and Vikki) and the boys would float since they couldn't reach the bottom. It was like a whirlpool at times!

    The other fun as hell thing is if you have an inner tube float...and stand in the middle and just jump up and down with the float. The water starts to create giant waves---huge for a pool---and they come crashing back in on whoever is in the middle. I know...we were easily entertained.

    And I'm tired too. But that's normal when you're old and don't sleep well. Go to bed early, lady. Hugs.

  5. So, what time should we be there on Friday, then? :)

  6. I'm packing now. I may be there Thursday night...hahaha

  7. Whenever I used to say that to my ex (the asshole) he'd say "Not if I see you first". But...I would love it if we could all do that one day. Poor Janeen. She has no idea what's going on over here haha.

  8. Well, considering I have no clue where Janeen lives, and I have hotel reservations in Idaho for Sat night, I think she can feel relatively safe I won't be showing up.

    THIS time .. muahahaha! ;)

  9. A gym won't help, we are just old, lol. Congrats on your son going to college.

  10. I'll make a spare bed for you!

    You know, you're welcome here any time! For real!

  11. How WILD!! Today is my oldest son's birthday too! Make sure you go outside.. and wish upon the shooting stars! We do that.. EVERY year!

  12. Wow Cherei, that is cool! I'm going to go see if I can see anything before I go to bed- I'll remember to make a wish.

  13. Greetings Janeen. You almost got this comment from Kumar's ID because he was using my laptop and never signed out of Multiply. We always get this problem. I answer you direct from my Yahoo Inbox but if we click the SUBMIT button when a different person is signed in to Multiply on the same computer, the comment gets sent from them instead of the owner of the Yahoo mail account. Isn't that weird? Try it. I have been a bit unwell for a few days and using the internet very little except to write my blog and read my friends' blogs. I am feeling a bit better today Janeen and will stay out of bed all day so I can catch up on some work. I have to go down to Kathmandu because it's Kumar's birthday in three days and I know what I am going to get him. I won't write it here in case he reads it before 15th. I wish I could be 29 again but with all my present knowledge and experience. It is great to surprise Brandon on his birthday. I wish I was much nearer sometimes so I could drop in for tea and a chat with you.

  14. Happy Birthday to Brandon!
    And yes to #10... Multiply has been quiet all round for a few weeks now. Only us diehards still at it!

  15. Awww nice nice Momma! Will you be my neighbor too?
    You and Kathy?!! (janelle too tat little whipper snapper LOL)

  16. Sure- you're all welcome here- even the little whippersnapper! LOL!
