Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Home from seeing Nana... hospice is coming in tonight, so we're nearing the end.


  1. I'm not sad.. actually, I'm going to rejoice when she is gone. She's had Altzheimer's for 10+ years now, so we really lost her a long time ago. It is just sad watching the dying process. She hasn't eaten in 2 days (or had anything to drink) and hospice being there will mean that the nurses no longer try to make her eat or try to cajole her into swallowing anything, including her medications. They'll also help her die as peacefully as possible.

  2. Awww I am sorry! But the life beyone as stated momma as you "joys
    unspeakable and full of mercys"!! There death has no sting! Bless you xoxoxoxox

  3. I will be happy with you for her release. I'm sure she will too, when it comes. Hugs Janeen. I'll keep you and Nana in my thoughts. xox

  4. The work that hospice people do is awesome. I'm glad your Nana has them to keep her comfortable Momma. And glad that her death will be a release from her Alzheimers.

    "For what is it to die, but to stand naked in the wind and melt into the sun..." (Kahlil Gibran, "The Prophet")

  5. May she and you all be at peace during this difficult time. Hospice is wonderful! They help so much with this transition.. (((HUGS)))

  6. Janeen, I just hope she doesn't know what's going on, other than her trips to Heaven. She'll be there soon enough and we'll all know she'll certainly be well taken care of there! *hugs*

    I feel so awful for you and your family, though. I barely remember the way my great-grandmother was with senile dementia and in the nursing home. I remember enough of my folks and grandparents reactions, though. She'll watch over you and the kids, I'm sure.

    *lots of love*

  7. I feel bad for my mom. She's an only child and feels like she needs to be there. My sister and I are trying to spell her some. Mom just doesn't want Nana to die alone, although it could take awhile.

  8. I have never heard this Sue- thanks for sharing it- it is beautiful!

  9. And thanks for all the hugs and love. I know it will be a good thing, but the process is making me sad.

  10. I've always loved that quote...I thought it was perfect too.

  11. My pleasure Momma. I'm not a religious person, but "The Prophet" is a simply wonderful philosophical book covering every aspect of life, including death. I've told Shane already, I'd like that passage read out at my own funeral when the time comes.

  12. I am religious (shock, yes, I know!) But I don't think that makes me closed-minded. There's a whole lot out there I don't know anything about!

  13. No, you're certainly not closed-minded Momma! Believe it or not, I don't know everything either! roflmao! :D

  14. LOL Sue. I do know a lot of close-minded religious people. I don't get it. I'm not sure why but it reminds me of that funny saying - "my karma ran over your dogma!"

  15. Hahahaha! That's brilliant! I might have to steal it sometime!

  16. (I'd use it on Shane's Mom... she's one of those close-minded people. But I rely on keeping up good terms with her because we're living on her property, lmao!)
