Monday, July 27, 2009

For those of you who knew I had a biopsy last week, I just wanted you to know that the dr's office called- it is benign! YAY! Praise God!


  1. Thank God!! That's wonderful news!! PHEW! Go and celebrate tonight!

  2. Nope I didn't know that. Thank the Lord.

  3. Thank God!!!! I'm so happy for you :) I"m sorry I didn't know and thank you so much for your support :) *hugs*

  4. YAYAYAYAYAYAYAY! *hugs* Thank God, literally!

  5. I did, Abby! I did!

    Thanks guys. I wasn't too worried, but there's that little voice inside your head that nags you. Then my GP called and wanted to know if I was following up with a surgeon. ?? Idiot didn't read the report, just called. I'm so glad I talked to the radiologist first!!

  6. I'm glad you talked to the radiologist first too. *whew*


  7. I'm fine now, but I had cancer four times, and the first time when the doctor told me I had cancer as a reflex I said "No I don't". .

    On my second trip to surgery apparently I woke up during the procedure . According to the nurses, I got up, pulled the IV's out of my arm, and then squared-off as if to fight while saying "Cmon you m-fers" .. . . oh my gosh I was so embarrassed when they told me that . . .. then, I wondered .. . . how did those relatively smaller and weaker nurses stop me. . . . . they laughed and said I was so drugged-up they just lightly pushed me back onto the gurney !

    I wonder if they tell stories about what patients say and do when under the influence of anesthesia .

  8. I'm sure they do, Patrick. Wonder if the make things up then go away giggling. "He bought it!"

  9. Oh man, I was finally beginning to get over that one and now I gotta wonder if they were lying to me ? LOL

  10. Hmmm.... I remember for a surgery that I had years and years ago, I told them I was as astronaut just before I went under.

  11. LOL You wouldn't believe how much real laughter erupted when I read that astronaut comment !!!!!

  12. (orderlies wheel-in Abby for surgery)

    Doctor : "Well who do we have here . . . .would this be Abby So-and-So "

    Nurses : "There's been a change . .. she now prefers to be called Astronaut Abbey".

    (doctors laugh uncontrollably and tip over surgical equipment. . ... .one wets his pants from laughing so hard)

  13. Too funny! I bet they've heard it all! I had a cyst removed from my wrist a few years ago and the nurse put the sleepy med, which stung into the IV at the same time the dr marked the incision line with a marker. I said "ouch" to the IV med and the dr said "what? It's only a Sharpie!"

  14. They were pretty disgusted with me as I remember.

  15. Awwww, you're being too hard on yourself . And if my joking added to it then I'm sorry .

    Next time tell them you're a malpractice attorney !

  16. She can take it - usually. Are you feeling better Abby? Sick-wise, anyway?

  17. Nah. You guys are funny. Thanks Janeen. I'm getting better slowly. The cough is still around but I can breathe now. The cough makes me stop dead in my tracks but I know it's better. Thanks for asking. *hugs*

  18. I didn't know...or if I did, my old brainaroonie misplaced the info packet. I am very glad it was all good. Hugs.
