Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Ten Thoughts

Well it is Tuesday, and that means I must think. I hope I can.

1. It is community chorus concert week, which means it is crazy for me. Dress rehearsal was tonight, concerts are Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. It should be really good! My boss is directing this time. I will direct again at Christmas.

2. Savannah and Scott are both gone this week. They're in Gatlinburg on a mission trip. Sounds like she is painting a house and he is building a building. At least they are having fun. This is a good week for them to be gone, because with community chorus I wouldn't see much of them anyway.

3. I miss them like crazy, though! Brandon is here but he has been working (shock, yes, he has to work, mom is not giving him any more money! He is almost 19 years old and can work!)

4. I don't know why I'm watching the all-star game. Anyone wanna make bets on the AL winning yet again? No suckers in the crowd, huh?

5. I'm tired of eating. I'm tired of cooking. I'm tired of all the same old choices. I'm bored with food. Funny, but usually I eat when I'm bored! Now what do I do?

6. I went to water Scott's plants this afternoon. What is it with men? I bet you could walk into his house and tell that only a man lives there. Wouldn't take you 5 seconds! I leave for a week, there are no dirty dishes in the sink, I take the trash out, turn the air down, etc. Well, now his house is like that, but only because I was there this afternoon. I didn't even check the toilets!

7. My patio is almost done! My cheap labor is gone for the week, but as soon as he's back he has promised to finish. I'm good- it is so nice now and I can use it! Just needs the finishing touches to be perfect! Well, then I can plant things around it and it will be perfect.

8. Today is the first day in a week and a half that my shoulder hasn't hurt. I don't know if it was rafting or rides at Dollywood, but the muscle between my shoulder and my backbone has been so knotted up I couldn't even sleep well. Hopefully, it is going away now.

9. I mowed the grass this afternoon for the first time in two weeks. It finally rained on Monday, so it actually grew. Amazing to me how a little rain just makes everything grow, almost overnight. Including weeds. Which reminds me, I'm out of roundup.

10. Tomorrow, I'm going shopping. Gonna hit the consignment shops and thrift stores looking for a table and chairs for the patio. I also have to get Scott's check and take it to the bank. And I really need to find the boy some things for his dorm room.

Wow, I did come up with 10 things- ok, time to quit thinking and head toward bed!


  1. I knew he'd come up with a comment like that! :D

  2. Good luck at the thrift stores Momma, wish I was coming too!

  3. I get tired of food in the summer. Lose my appetite. Only difference is that I seem to be putting on weight even with the reduction in calories. Weird . . .

    Shopping is fun! I love going to thrift stores ... and yard sales.

  4. I love going to thrift, consignment stores, and yard & garage sales....you find soooo many deals there. As far as food goes....nothing tastes better than good ole BBQ chicken on the grill. It even outdoes the Olive Garden....lol

  5. I love thrift stores too. My 17 year old is really balking at getting a job. He's going to if he wants anything.

  6. This happens every summer.. you just don't need lots of calories.. a good time to have chef salads with hard boiled eggs and meats, BLT's are great, sloppy joes, and fruit!! Tons of fruit dishes! Or just plain.. still good! BBQ whatever you like! Slow cooker.. as the oven heats up the kitchen. etc..

  7. You keep busy, don't you? You're my kind of person!

    This summer has been wet and cool in Chicagoland. So far our July has been the wettest on record. I have had to mow my lawn twice a week all summer. Usually I get a break in July or August.

  8. Sounds like a nice contented life you have there Janeen. I wish I had a pool!!

  9. I have a nice, contented BUSY life! LOL! Thrift store shopping was NOT productive today. I bought two books- that was it. Of course, I never do get what I am looking for. It's like if you're looking for it, they don't have it.

  10. I'll share mine- come over any time!
