Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Ten Thought Tuesday- the cell phone edition

1. I hate typing on my Blackberry- the keys are so small and so is the type.

2. It is hard to type fast on this thing, too. So these will be short thoughts.

3. I had a two hour nap today. After community chorus concerts this weekend, I was wiped out.

4. We decided to get a pool this year and it has been the coolest summer on record. It has been too chilly to get in for two days now. I'm sure, somehow, global warming is to blame.

5. I have to go to the dr on Thurs. morning for tests on a place they found on my mammogram. Scott offered to go with me if I needed him. Sweet guy!

6. My mom is going with me. I don't expext it to be a big deal. It is a really small calcification.

7. Savannah has made a new best friend this summer. These girls have been practically inseparatable. Right now they are in the kitchen making a lot of noise. I'm sure that means a lot of mess, too!

8. She just got back from a mission trip and ended up learning a lot of sign language! They worked at the home of a deaf lady and Savannah had more fun signing than working!

9. I hope these computer parts come in tomorrow! Not being able to use my computer really stinks!

10. My sister just called. She got the tent cleaned out at the campground. Campmeeting starts on Sunday! I can't wait!


  1. Sounds like an eventful summer.

    You got your mom, your kids and a guy who obviously cares a lot . . . Lucky girl. I hope the tests prove to be nothing more than routine.

  2. Thanks TS! I do have to remind myself of that every now and then. I am blessed- with great friends here, too!

  3. Keep sending Blackberry complaints.. sooner or later.. they'll figure out.. they're writing off an entire market group.. that can actually afford their dang blackberries. The kids can't have EVERYTHING their way.

  4. I have the Curve- with the little keys. Maybe the touch screen is better, but for some reason I like buttons!

  5. While I was at it.. I dashed off a note from myself! lol Followed the food chain..


    to this person. Hope she's the right one!

    Marisa Conway
    Brodeur Worldwide (for RIM)
    (212) 336-7509


  6. Well Janeen, I could never have the patience to use my cellphone for accessing the internet. You are doing a great job

  7. I'm on my ipod touch. Just as odd but no buttons. Very eventful. Glad your mom is going with you and that's really nice of Scott.

  8. I have been wanting a phone I can fb on lately. I'm so addicted. I'll be praying for you abot Thursday.

  9. I will keep you in my thoughts on Thursday!

  10. My mother is an interpreter for the deaf. I taught her sign language that I learned from a neighbor...we all love languages (my family) and my mother got certified and made really good money working with the school system. Maybe I should do that...hmmmmm

  11. 8. That's something that she learned to sign. That could become a ministry for her.

  12. #4 - isnt it ironic ?
    #9 - welcome to the club ? sucks doesnt it ?
    #10 - have fun !!!!

  13. Scott's great- he's taking me out to dinner and to a movie tomorrow night so I'll have something to look forward to tomorrow. Now, what movie do I want to see?

  14. I can't reply-quote on my phone! Ack! Kat, Steve, I think you're right. The girl could really have an occupation or a ministry if she likes it this much!
