Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Ten Thoughts on the Last Tuesday of 2008

1. I did manage to keep one resolution this year- read my Bible all the way through. Thanks to Dave, who started me out with a plan, I got to June when my church started the Life Bible Journal study. It has been an adventure- one I plan on continuing.

2. I didn't manage to lose this last pesky 20 lbs. So that is a goal for next year. I have to get serious with the exercise or it won't happen.

3. I got a chance to speak with a dear friend this afternoon who got some great news! I have a sneaky feeling that 2009 is going to be really good to her- better even than 2008 was!

4. I do want to learn something in 2009, and that is not how to dread what is coming before it gets here. I need to learn to love the moment, enjoy the moment, and leave the "what ifs" for when they actually come about.

5. I also hope 2009 brings more child support! The ex is $15,000 behind- and doesn't even feel bad about it. Well, hopefully he will once he gets in court next week!

6. My alarm clock is still working well, and now we're going to try something new- the Saturday handyman! I'm trading him a Saturday of help around his house for a Saturday of help around mine! I think I'm getting the better deal- my house is bigger!

7. It has been so nice to not have to get the kids up and out the door in the mornings. I really wish school started an hour or two later than it does!

8. I'm looking back over 2008 and truly see it as a year of healing. It has brought me much happiness, and for that I thank God, my mom, my kids, and Scott.

9. I'm hoping  2009 is just as good- if not better! (Selfish? Maybe.)

10. My prayers are that all of you have a fabulous 2009, too!


  1. That's great that you accomplished something like reading the Bible all the way thru. I actually would like to do that sometime too altho i am not religious in the least bit.

    I know what you mean about dreading things in advance - I do that too. Sometimes I think it's a defense mechanism. Nothing can be as bad as our imagination so we set up ourselves and when its not as bad we are always pleasantly surprised.

    Don't just hope 2009 will be better - MAKE IT better ! Demand excellence !

  2. That works to a point, but there are some things that I have no control over. I can only hope and pray that they turn out good!

  3. I have two goals:
    1. Find an alarm clock.
    2. Find a handy man.


  4. And great goals they are, Peggy. My advice? Start by saying "I never want a man again" and then watch what happens! LOL!

  5. I've been saying that for months now. LOL.

  6. I like your top 10 a LOT. I know what you mean about the exercise. I need to go. The doc's office scale said I was at 242 on the 17th. *sigh* HOW can I be at 242 if my jeans still fit? (The 12s are a bit snug but that's from Thanksgiving and Christmas!) *grrrr* *cries*

    I told Art I want to live with you because you have the Wii fit game. lol! Ian told me that if you don't play it, your character gets fat and the other AI's laugh at you. Is that true? lol!

    I need to read the Bible more. I've still been reading the gnostic texts from that website I found. I learned that I retained a lot of what I read when Discovery had a show on about the gnostics and a lot of the texts that were left out of the Bible and that the Apocrypha of Peter was considered to be used instead of John's Revelations. I didn't know THAT part but I've read Peter's Apocrypha. (Either way, they're both really scary books and if you want, just read the book of Ezekial. That's got some scary stuff in it too!)

    I hop around too much reading the Bible. I hear something and just read a little bit and I sit and think about what I read for a long time. And then I have to go ask Art to explain what I don't understand.

    I hope that you have a great new year.

    P.S. I still wear size 9 combat boots. If the judge doesn't scare him, I can scream at him. Well, I just yell really loud and give horrible guilt trips and have a "sonic boom" that I use. Makes the kids jump and then go do dishes.

  7. Abby, there's no way you weigh 242- that's 70 lbs more than me, and I'm wearing a size 12! You'd have to be 8 ft tall!

    I haven't gotten fat on the Wii, but it does fuss at you- "Where have you been Momma? It's been 2 weeks since your last workout."

    Send me that link- I'd love to read Peter's Apocrypha. This study has you reading Revelation and Ezekiel together- I think both of those guys were doing some good drugs. The things they saw! (I know, that sounds bad. Maybe they just couldn't describe what they were seeing too well.)

    I wear a size 9 too- maybe if you don't come live with me I could just borrow the boots. Of course, they might have butt stain on them when I'm done. You might not want them back! LOL!

  8. Abby! You can't weigh that much!! You don't look big at all!!!

    Sizes are so weird... there's a girl at work who looks a lot bigger than I do and she wears a smaller size. I don't get it.

    I want a Wii Fit!!!!!

  9. I don't even bother with resolutions anymore, but it sounds like you made a few of your 2008 ones stick. Bravo! I'm hoping 2009 will be great, too. Blessings.
