Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Joyful.. the Top Ten

This is the week for JOY! I thought I'd look up the word, because although it only has three letters, it  is a complex word. It is more than happiness... it is a state of being. Dictionary.com gave this definition:

<i>the emotion of great delight caused by something exceptionally good or satisfying.</i>

To me, joy comes from knowing Jesus Christ as my personal Savior. He is able to take the sting out of the bad things.. to give me more to look forward to than more of the same... to bless me with countless gifts. So, the Top Ten this week is a list of things that are gifts from Jesus that bring me joy.

1- Chris and Brandon. That these boys have embraced me as their mother, to the point of staying when their father left, blesses me every day.

2- Savannah. She is the light of my life- the one I would lay my life down for. She is loving and kind, and has the spirit of an adventurer, too- kinda like her mom!

3- My mother. I'm blessed to call her my friend and confidant. She has shouldered a lot of the financial burden of this divorce (thanks mom!) and still treats me with gifts far beyond what I deserve. I did promise to care for her in her old age, though!

4- Scott. He came into my life at the perfect time, and is the perfect person for me right now. Savannah sees him as a replacement dad (her pretend daddy, she calls him), which does cause me some concern, but he loves her just as much. They've talked. I'm truly blessed.

5- My job. I look forward to going to work most days- and end up staying late without realizing it! I don't have to listen to whining, complaining, negative people (well, hardly ever) and I do all the things I love. And I have good benefits on top of that!

6- The animals. As much as I grumble about the little inside dog and the cat I'm allergic to, I do like the security that animals provide. Their unconditional love. Their willingness to listen. Their mousing skills! And Scott's dog is incredible! She is so trusting and so loving.

7- My church. I've been here for 17 years, and it has changed so much. Gone from a 100 member congregation to a 1000 member congregation. But it is still a loving, caring congregation full of friends. And I get so much joy from Children's Worship!

8- My friends. Both online and IRL, I'm blessed with caring people who support me. Dave, Abby, Kat, Sabrina, Jimmie, Dai, ZB... and many others... have all been around through good times and not so good times. You understand me, support me, laugh with me, and validate my thoughts. Thanks!

9- My country. Yes, it is rather a mess right now, but it is still a place where you can complain without being hauled away in the middle of the night, worship without worry, and be anything you want to be, no matter who you are.

10- My God. He is bigger and stronger than all my problems- and that is a cause for Joy!


  1. #10 - I need to remember that more often. Thanks for sharing your blessings :)

  2. Amen sister...all our lives have been blessed by knowing you Jan. Always remember that.

  3. *pretend daddy* *sniffs* That's totally awesome. She really wants a "man" in her life, from the sounds of it and if she's willing to accept Scott as a friend and confidant, then that's just totally awesome. I'm really glad that he's there for all of you.

    *big hugs*

    I don't have a Thankful 10 today.

    1. My husband
    1a. God
    2. My boys
    3. My cats
    4. My friends here


    That's really all I need.

  4. I didn't get to talk to him about the "pretend daddy" comment until this morning. (She said that on Sunday.) I simply said "thank you for being a wonderful pretend daddy" (he's picking her up for me today) and he said "Oh, it's my pleasure!"

    *sigh* Fills my heart with joy!

  5. That's not a bad list in itself, Abby!

  6. Amazing, isn't it, the many ways He brings Joy into our lives? Great list, Dish, and I'll echo lightkeeper's thoughts...your friendship and your prayers have certainly been a blessing in my life.
