Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas My Friends

I didn't even do a ten thought Tuesday this week- I don't think I even remember when Tuesday was this week! It is a whirlwind to Christmas and I'm so glad it is finally here! I do wish it lasted a little longer, though.

Monday night Scott came over for dinner. Savannah wanted to play games so we taught her how to play Rummy. After about 4 hands, she was bored and wanted Upwards. So we switched, but didn't keep score at that game (someone lost the rules and I forgot how you counted points!) Oh well, it is really more for her to learn words and how to spell anyway! Good thing, because she and Scott started "cheating" about half-way through- wanted to swap letters, kept looking when they were drawing.. it was really funny and just warms my heart to see them getting that close.

Yesterday I worked an extra 2 hours in the hopes I wouldn't be at work all day today. Which worked- we were done by 11am this morning! Yay! Mom's cooking at her house and I'm setting up stuff at mine for Christmas Eve tonight. Brandon has gone shopping with Scott- they're supposedly off buying me a present (isn't that sweet?) and Savannah is with my niece. So all is quiet here for a little bit. About 6pm, I'll have 15 people here for hors d'oeurves and drinks, then go to our 11:00pm candlelight service. I said I'd sing, so I have to be there early.

Tomorrow is the big day! I'm excited because the kids got exactly what they want (new cell phones) but I have them convinced that they don't. And my mom has exactly what she wants and doesn't know it either! I love it when Christmas works out that way! Since Scott, Brandon, Chris & Salina, my aunt and uncle, and my brother-in-law Jason all have to miss Christmas dinner tomorrow, we postponed it until Sunday. So we just get to be lazy after the present-opening! Yay!

Scott comes back from his family's on Saturday, so we decided to have our Christmas with him then. And with postponing Christmas dinner until Sunday, this is going to be a busy holiday! I'm just  happy to be blessed with a wonderful family, great friends (including you all here) and a happy life.

Merry Christmas, wherever you are and whatever you're doing! May the peace of Christ enter your hearts today and bring you the joy that is the true essence of Christmas. I love you all!


  1. Merry Christmas, Dish!

    I'm still at work, Sabrina's at my apartment, doing secretive Christmassy stuff that she refuses to tell me about. I started a crock pot full of Italian sausage soup when I went home for lunch, and we're going to have that for dinner tonight, after we go to church. 

    I got to thinking about it, and it's been about six years since I've been to a Christmas Eve service...I really miss that, and I'm so glad Sabrina's here to go to that with me.

    Merry Christmas to everyone!

  2. A diamond for Christmas would be pretty cool, huh?

  3. David, I am so happy to be here and to do secretive Christmassy stuff that you will eventually find out about very soon!

  4. Sounds like a wonderfully happy time for you and all your loved ones!

    Wishing you Happy Holidays Dishie... you're off to a good start.

  5. Probably pass out! No diamonds- but I do wonder what they got. Brandon said two things- one Scott thought I needed and one he knew I wanted. I can't begin to guess what either one are!

  6. Merry Christmas!!!! It sounds like you'll have a great weekend! *hugs*

  7. Nope, no diamonds- a cordless drill! I did want one of those and keep whining because I don't have one- and now I do!

    I don't have my present from Scott yet thought- that is Saturday night. But we're not diamond ready yet- maybe not for a long time. I promise to let you know what it is, though!

  8. A cordless drill is cool, too!

    (I was thinking a necklace...)

  9. Mr. Broke College Student? I'll be happy with anything! I don't want him to spend too much!

  10. I love my cordless drill!! Actually, I have two of them... LOL. Some of the things he didn't take when he left. :)

  11. lol! Wellll..... Thinking about it is nice. (I'm thinking of one of those tiny diamonds you see in the middle of a little gold cross pendant. They aren't all that expensive these days.)

  12. I enjoyed reading that Janeen. May I also wish you a very happy Christmas even if I am a little late. Take care Janeen
