Saturday, December 13, 2008

Stolen from Sea- a Christmas Questionnaire

1. Which do you like better: cooking at your house, or going elsewhere? I like cooking, but it doesn't matter if I'm at my house or not. This year we are- for Thanksgiving we were at my Mom's- I still do most of the cooking.

2. Do you buy a fresh or frozen bird OR do a ham? Turkey is Thanksgiving- Christmas is ham! And depending on how many of the boys are home, maybe a turkey, too.

3. What kind of stuffing? Usually a pan of dressing instead of stuffing (because there's usually no turkey!

4. Sweet potato or pumpkin pie? Sweet potato! And chocolate pie, and if we're lucky my aunt will bring her awesome pecan pies!

5. Do you believe that turkey leftovers are a curse, or the point of the whole thing? I love the leftovers- I try to get a turkey that is too big!

6. Which side dish would provoke a riot if you left it off the menu? Probably our hash brown casserole.

7. Do you save the carcass to make soup or stock? If we have one I do... ham bones definitely get dropped in the next beans or soup that gets made.

8. What do you wish you had that would make preparing Christmas dinner easier? More places for people to sit... if you're talking about actual cooking, I'm asking Santa for a KitchenAid mixer!

9. Do you get up at the crack of dawn to have dinner ready in the early afternoon, or do you eat at your normal dinner hour? Christmas Eve we start at 5 and end at midnight with hors d'oeuvres and tasties. Christmas Day is a meal, usually late afternoon, so we do presents in the morning and then start cooking.

10. If you go to somebody else's house, what's your favorite dish to bring? If it's a party, shrimp cocktail. People are sure to love it!

11. Is your cranberry sauce fresh or canned? If we have it, fresh. I won't eat canned.

12. What's your absolute favorite thing on the menu? Hmm that's hard- I don't make things I don't like! But probably the shrimp cocktail!


  1. Well now you have to post the hash brown casserole hehhee

  2. Ahem, now just where exactly do you live? Do you cook plenty extras? lol
    You've made me hungry! Everything sounds delicious-except I prefer canned cranberry sauce. Enjoy your Christmas feast! xoxoxox

  3. From what you've told me, Sue, about 3 hours from you! And there are always leftovers! Not knowing how many teenage boys are showing up, I think I cook for a small army! Of course, if we're all there, there are 19 of us!
