Saturday, December 6, 2008

It's What I Do Each Week

You know I lead music for children's worship each Sunday. Some weeks are just special, though. I thought you'd get a kick out of this picture. We had a real live Indian chief (Reynard Faber, chief of the Apache Nation) at our church last month. He works with Samaritan's Purse as the Native American coordinator for Operation Christmas Child. He received shoeboxes during our children's worship service. That's me beside him, handing out treats to everyone who donated a box.

Meeting the chief was fun- he was a great guy who liked to pick on people a lot, but obviously loves Jesus. The kids were in awe, especially when he was telling them of children who receive the shoeboxes.

I really love my job!!


  1. I'm willing to bet that you get back way more than you receive...

  2. Absolutely! I haven't missed a Sunday this year- and that has never happened!

  3. Hey girl, where's my treat? I'm a big kid at heart Snowing like the dickens last night and all day today. They cancelled Church for tomorrow already, seen the notice scrolling along the bottom of the tv.

  4. I think they were gummy bears... I'll send you some!

  5. I think they were gummy bears... I'll send you some!

  6. I think they were gummy bears... I'll send you some!

  7. I think they were gummy bears... I'll send you some!

  8. I think they were gummy bears... I'll send you some!

  9. OK, Multiply is acting wierd- it actually told me it couldn't post the comment. Apparently it was wrong!

  10. That's really cool. I've met men like him - only Cheyenne. They're really nice people and have you ever gone to any of their church services? Those are some of the neatest ones I've ever gone too!

  11. I've seen that guy too. Somewhere...don't remember where. I always think it's odd (correct word?) to see a Native American in full dress uniform and then Jesus is mentioned. Like he should still be doing the Earth religon ya know? But times have changes and he's as Americanized as everyone even if he is a chief. I find that strange (which also isn't the right word).

    I wish I loved my job. I envy you.

  12. He has a neat story to tell about the day his tribe (under his grandfather, or maybe great-grandfather's rule) met Jesus. They met him as a stranger who came to the reservation- walked into it across the lake and left the same way. As the story ends, missionaries came in 5 years later with Bibles- and they recognized the picture of Jesus inside as being "the stranger in white." It is unique to see the two cultures mesh!

  13. I did go to one when we were in Montana. Very fun- and they tend to have services as big celebrations- and they usually have a very good sense of humor, too!

  14. I don't remember where I read (or heard) it but Jesus was supposed to have done a great deal of traveling and was supposed to have visited what is now America and met the Indians. Wouldn't surprise me a bit.
    Have a great week, stay warm! xoxox
