Thursday, January 8, 2009

Sue's Quiz that really made me think!

 1.     If you had to choose between your life as it is now--you'll never be any better off than you are at this moment--or a life where you would become President of the United States (or whatever the highest public office is in your country) but you get assassinated a year before leaving office, which would you choose?

Life is so wonderful right now it could just stay this way! I go to court in the morning to try to get child support out of the ex (who is $15,000 behind) so maybe I should choose to freeze it as of next week! LOL!

2.     Would you rather be the greatest genius of all time but so beyond people's comprehension that you'd never be appreciated until long after your death or a person who is perceived as a genius in his own time but is later thought of as a mediocre hack who was overrated?

I'll take the genius who is unappreciated in his/her time. I'd like to think I left a good mark on the world after I'm gone. At least, knowing the world would be a better place because I was here!

 3.     Would you rather have an ugly sexual partner who was immensely satisfying in bed but embarrassing (in that people know you're fucking someone so ugly) or a beautiful lover who sucked in bed but made others deeply envious of you?

Wow- this is a hard one. Because I don't think I'd be attracted to someone who I thought was ugly. And since I haven't had sex in so long I don't know that I'd remember what to do, I might be the one who is bad in bed! LOL! I do like for people to be approving of who I'm dating, so I guess I'll take the cute guy who is bad in bed!


4.    Would you rather be the lead singer of an extremely mediocre but popular rock band or the world's greatest poet with a small fan following?

Oh definitely the poet! Who needs a large fan base? But I have to have my muse!

5.    If you had a chance to open one of two doors and one door led to the fulfillment of all your dreams and the other had an ax murderer who would chop you into pieces as soon as you opened it, would you choose to open a door?

No I wouldn't. Neither one would be good. All your dreams fulfilled? Then what would be left to strive for? Where are the goals? What is the use of getting up in the morning?

6.     If by killing yourself all of your enemies would be destroyed as well, would you kill yourself?

I started to say yes- leave only nice people in the world. But then would that be dooming a lot of people to hell who may have repented? I'm sure glad I'm not God. He has a hard job!

7.    If you had to take a car trip with either a Vietnam vet with serious mental health problems and had a gun on his person at all times or a conservative Christian who passed judgment on everything you did, who would you choose?

I'll take the conservative Christian. I've met those people before, and they're not really dangerous. And I know how to handle them (I work for a church, remember?)

8.     If you could obtain immortality by stomping a little girl's pet kitten to death before her crying eyes every Christmas, would you do it?

What kind of question is this? Stomping kittens for immortality? I don't think you're getting immortality like that!

9.     If you loved someone with all your heart and they hated everything about you, would you shorten their life by 10-years if it meant they would love you in return?

No. I'm having to deal with some of that right now. I know the things that Scott wants to do will take him away from here- and I'm not in a position to move. But I'll support him in his dreams and be happy for him, even if it means I have to sacrifice. If you really love someone, you can see them happy!

10.    If you died and went to Hell and it was every bit as horrible as the Christians say it is and the devil offered you a one year reprieve from the agony of Hell for each person you tempted to damnation, would you take his deal?

This is a hard question. First, I'm not tempting anyone to eternal damnation. Second, what did I do to get to Hell? I must have deserved it! Meaning God isn't going to let me into heaven by damning other people. So neither of these is going to work.



  1. Interesting and I dont think I could answer some of these. I dont like either option.

  2. I know what you mean Sea- a few of them just don't seem to apply at all. Like, where's my third choice?

  3. I always did prefer multiple choice quizzes lol even in life :)

  4. LOL- I wanted a "NONE OF THE ABOVE" on a few of them. But some really made me think!

  5. Im working on another one now I found on a blog somewhere. Its really involved tho and I may have to post in two parts. Its sort of a summary of your life but interesting.

  6. Wow! These are some pretty deep questions. I liked your answers though.

  7. I know this is one of those fun type quizes, but Im gonna pass on it because I really don't want to change my life at all. God is leading the bus and who am I to tamper with that? Just my thoughts here...

  8. Good answers Momma, and I'm glad you thought it worth posting. :)
    It's always interesting to me to see how different people answer stuff like this ~ kind of a 'getting to know you' session. The more we learn about each other, the less tenuous our internet connections become. :)

  9. I'll be keeping an eye out via Momma's page for this, too!

  10. good thinking questions - im with you on most everything here

  11. Hahaha me too! They were the tests I got the best grades on. lol

    This is a tough test. Liked the question about a good looking versus ugly lover. I've had it both ways and would just as soon live the remaining years of my life alone and celibate. I'm quite comfortable in my role as a crazy old lady who lives with cats. lol

  12. I guess we could make that option C!! Except mine would have to say "two dogs and a cat"!!
