Sunday, January 25, 2009

Setting a Goal

So I'm wandering around Multiply tonight and ran across this site through a link on Sea's blog. I like the idea of setting a goal and then working to fulfill it, and pledging to give money to a charity if the goal is not met. So I signed up.

My goal is to lose this last 15 lbs. If you didn't know, I lost 45 lbs. 3 years ago and have kept it off. That is the good news. The bad news is I still have 15 lbs to lose. They're stubborn. They like me! They don't want to leave. I have lost the 6 lbs that I gained between Halloween and New Year's this year, but those pesky 15 lbs are still here!

I have better motivation than ever to want to get rid of the remaining spare tire. Scott and I found the most wonderful, affordable, and unusual vacation ever. We want to go to the beach- in Equador! After reading a travel magazine this weekend, we discovered that traveling to this foreign country is just as cheap as driving to the beach here. So why not? He works with a girl from Equador and is going to find out more about safety issues and other stuff we don't know anything about. But from reading travel blogs, it seems like many other people have had a wonderful time in this remote location.

However, the way I look right now, he is NOT seeing me in a bathing suit! So, I am more motivated than ever to lose this stubborn weight. Since we're thinking we won't go until October of this year or maybe even January of next year, I have time. But I want to do it sooner rather than later.

I think I'll take a tip from Jimmie and start posting my weight on my blogs. That way, you guys can help keep me honest about what I'm doing. I also belong to, a weight loss site with the best support around. Between my friends there and you guys here (and some wonderful motivation) I should be able to succeed!

Thanks for the help!


  1. Ecuador will definitely be an exotic country to see. Just make sure you get your passport app in soon if you don't have one yet.

  2. Your link to "this site" doesnt work. Not sure which link you were talking about.

  3. I will remain "roundly" in awe of you. I am not motivated yet, so will try to make you my role model!!!

  4. I'll help motivate you if you help motivate me!!! :)

  5. I'm not motivated, either. Which is why I've basically given up on the weight loss issue right now.

    That and going to the doctor once a month and weighing anything from 170 to 380 (!) all within the time span of a MONTH, is depressing and it's enough to set me back to NOT want to do anything about how I look.

    If you get in a bathing suit next to me, you'll look good.

  6. You know ... I had a problem dropping some weight and nothing I did seemed to work. Then, it just started to melt off again ... I just had to be persistent and keep working at it. I find that eating very little works only if I splurge on my calories on a regular basis. I trick my body's metabolism so that it doesn't drop due to the decreased caloric intake. If you lower your caloric intake, your body will burn less. So, I pig out every once in a while - but not every day ... I avoid fast food except on rare occasions ... I use a thigh-master, a weight machine and I love to dance - love it. I also walk during the warm season. The activities keep my rate up so that I burn more.

    I don't know what you are doing, so I just thought I'd tell you what helped me. Each individual is different. But, I hear a lot of people say they get to a certain point and it just won't come off and I think the body levels off because it thinks they are starving - LOL ... try tricking your body by eating large portions at least once a week and then be sure and keep your metabolic rate up with aerobic activity.

  7. How long are they taking now? Last I heard was about 6 months. No, I don't have one, but you're right- that is first on the list to take care of.

  8. You're right Kat- eating less won't necessarily help you lose weight. My mom just gave me a book about boosting your metabolism. I'll let you know what it says once I read it. It is supposed to be filled with tricks to keep your body burning calories at a high rate.

  9. In 2005, I wore a size twelve. Today, I wear an 8 ... Some of those are getting loose. I totally pig out sometimes - LOL ... you should see me at the china buffet. But, most days, I don't eat very much. I do try to stay active though.

    I never did like to run. But, at one time I walked three miles a day. Not a lot - but definitely a metabolic booster.

  10. I count calories- and make sure I get 1200-1500 per day. Seems like things go better if I keep it on the lower side for a few days and then eat on the higher side a few days. It also helps me to snack- have something every 2-3 hours. And LOTS of water!
