Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Tuesday Ten- The Personal Edition

So, for this week we're supposed to list ten personal facts about ourselves.... hmmm....

1. I have a Bachelor's degree in music education.

2. I enjoy being creative. My latest venture is making necklaces. I got a big bead kit for Christmas and am going just a little crazy with it!

3. I'm back on my strict diet and exercise plan. I got really (ok, really REALLY) slack on it last year and ended up putting 6 lbs back on. I'm proud that 4 of those are gone already, but I still need to lose 20 more pounds. So I'm going back to what I know works. It isn't any fun.

4. I'm enjoying being single! Scott and I are not committed to each other for several reasons that I'm really ok with for now. Even if we were, I'd still have way more freedom than I ever had in my marriage. Why didn't someone tell me this a long time ago?

5. I'm trying Angel Food Ministries for the first time this week. (If you don't know what that is, click here.) I can't wait for the food to come in on Friday!

6. I have two dogs, one cat, a brother, and three stepsisters. And three kids! (Although Chris will be 20 next week, and I probably can't call him a kid too much longer!)

7. Brandon is a senior - that is expensive! And somehow it was easier with Chris. Brandon's  my baby boy! I don't want to think about him leaving home!

8. I hate winter. I love being outdoors and it's too cold. There isn't anything much to do, anyway. At least it could snow!

9. Have I told you how much I love my mom? She is the best!

10. I didn't think there would be enough interesting things about me to make it to 10- but the last one is best. I'm a Christian and I'm totally in love with Jesus! He is awesome!


  1. I clicked on the Angel Food thing...there doesn't seem to be any here in the Tundra. So you ordered food? Or you're working with them? I'd like to hear how it was too.

    I think I'll skip 10 personal thoughts because it's always about dogs. People probably think I'm crazy as it is.

    You are awesome Ms. Janeen.

  2. Nice. Lol @ cold at least it could snow! Thanks for the list. Have a great nite. *huggles* Belle

  3. I could send you over a couple of barrelfuls of snow Momma, we had about 4 or 5 inches last night and more promised tonight, too. I love it! (But I wish it had been invented warm. ;)

    #4 ~ good for you! There's a lot to be said for being single. Although I love Shane dearly and have never been happier since we got married, I did really enjoy the two years I had as a 'singly' before we met... no worrying about a sinkful of dishes you're too tired to wash; complete control of the TV; buying as much chocolate as you want without disapproving eyes looking at you; sleeping on whichever side of the bed you want ~ or both! :D
    Yep... I loved it. Glad you are, too!

  4. Single life is good. But when people get into a relationship they commit to each other. And that commitment also means that the other has their own life also. Some things can be included, but some things just can't. So freedom in a relationship is a necessity.

  5. I ordered food. I can't believe I'm this excited, but for once I don't have to go to the store and wander up and down the aisles wondering what to buy!

  6. Thanks! And I have pretty awesome friends, too!

  7. Really? That would be great! Can I have enough to go sledding on?

  8. Don't forget to tell me about the Angel Food!! I wish we could get it here.

  9. It was great! I'm excited about it- it was a lot of food and good quality. I figure the eight ribeye steaks were probably worth half of what I paid for the entire box. I'll do it again next month!
