Saturday, January 10, 2009

Random Questions- Stolen from Guy, Kat, Anne...

1. How did you wake up this morning? 
Surfaced from the fog, opened one eye and looked at the clock.

2. What was your first thought?

Oh no, it's 8am and I told Scott I'd call and make sure he was up at 7:30!

3. Did you get up right away?
Not really- I grabbed the phone and called him and talked for 30 min.

4. What did you have for breakfast?
Rice and sausage

5. Who is the first person you thought about and why?

Scott- because I was supposed to call him so he wouldn't be late to work!
Turns out he was already awake, so we're good there.

6. Who are you missing?
Chris, who is back in the army in Texas.

7. If you could go anywhere today, where would you go?
Somewhere warm. Abby and Kat mentioned Florida. OK by me!

8. Who would you take with you?
Scott, Brandon, Savannah, Abby, Kat... anyone else want to go?

9. Would you want to come home again?
Yes, the kids have to go back to school!

10. Rich or Famous?
Rich. Being famous isn't all that great- papparazi following you around, can't go anywhere, everyone knows what you ate for dinner in the restaurant, can't run to the store in your sweats with your hair pulled back.... need I go on?

11. Favorite color?
For what? Trees should be green, clothes black or red, flowers pink and yellow...

12. Type of person (opposite sex or same) you are attracted to?
Someone who likes me for me, who will let me be myself and put up with my quirks. Blue eyes help!
13. What do you admire in a person?
Someone who stands up for what they believe, who says what they think, not what you want to hear, and who defends her friends and family no matter what.

14. Favorite season?
Spring, probably. Everything is so beautiful after looking dead for so long!

15. Song you want played at your funeral?
Michael W. Smith's  "Friends," "Above All" and maybe "How Great Thou Art" (they sang that at my dad's funeral.)


  1. Rice and Sausage for breakfast? Is this a southern dish or what? And the only song I want played at my funeral is "How Great Is Our God" by Chris Tomlin.

  2. Good answers! I'm ready for Florida.

  3. Good song choice, Bill!

    Ajax, I'm sure Florida isn't a great place to live, but I wouldn't mind visiting!

    Kat- whatcha waiting for? Oh yeah, we've got to win the lottery first!

  4. #13 Saying what I think has been getting me into trouble lately. Seem when some people ask for advice they only want you to say what they want to hear.

  5. #13 Saying what I think has been getting me into trouble lately. Seem when some people ask for advice they only want you to say what they want to hear.

  6. Sue, I'd rather you tell me you don't agree with me. It's really boring to only talk to people who only think like me. I'd never learn anything new!
