Sunday, February 18, 2007

Entry for February 19, 2007

OK, looks like I'm joining everyone else in the fun of getting sick. I'm glad you guys like to share, but this is a bit much! LOL! Actually, I guess I'll go to the doctor and make sure I don't have the flu- Savannah is just back in school today after more than a week of the stuff. Have too much to do to be down for too long. And of course the stupid DH comes by yesterday and only complains because I won't get up and help him find something! The least he could have done was take the kids to supper or something so I wouldn't have to worry about them eating. OK, promised I wouldn't grovel on here, but had to get that out! Thanks for putting up with me some days!!

ETA: Went to the doctor and he says it is just a cold- not the flu or strep throat. Guess that is good news, but they have meds for those and all I can do for this is drink a lot of water and let it run its course.

Also just heard that someone I care about very much has died. I know she was facing a long battle and would have faced it courageously, but I can't help but have the feeling that she got out easier this way (and that is a good thing, for her anyway.) Can't say that to her family but I hope they decide that and get some consolation from it. I'll miss you badly, Willow!

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