Saturday, February 17, 2007

Entry for February 18, 2007

Commandment #4- Remember the Sabbath and Keep it Holy

I know we don't do this- we laugh at people who do this - but I can remember as a kid when none of the stores were open on Sunday- blue laws, you know- and everyone came home from church, ate a big family dinner, and just enjoyed the afternoon.

I'm going back to my roots today- haven't done a darned thing after I got home from church, and I like it! Seems like we all need that! God gave us that rule for a reason, and I think it is as much for our benefit as his- he knew that unless he commanded us to rest that we'd just go on and on until we fell down from exhaustion. So let us remember to use Sunday (or whatever your Sabbath is) to rest and rejeuvinate. I think it will make Monday so much better!!

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