Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Entry for February 14, 2007- Happy Valentine's Day

Well happy Valentine's Day! Even though there is no valentine this year, it has been a pretty good day! (I did get some chocolate from a 3rd grader in my choir- that counts, right?)

Well, we all know they leave the nest sometime. Chris has a chance to join the National Guard as an E4 candidate. He has 2 years experience as a firefighter, and can use his civilian training to bypass some of the entry level positions and enlist as a corporal. Scares the bejesus out of me, because I just KNOW he'll end up somewhere dangerous. He is actually counting on it! He lives for there to be something going on. This might be the best road for him since it is perfect for him, and will also give him some discipline he is sorely lacking! It is still hard to think that he could go to basic training this summer, as soon as school is out. But it is nice to think that he is set on a future and will not always ask me for money!!

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