Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Entry for March 01, 2007

I remember telling Willow once that I'd update my diary when I had something to say! I feel like that today- just don't want to update my blog, because there isn't much interesting going on.

Oh, there is one thing- my brother took his first steps this week! He says it is more of a "lean-and-hop" but it does propel him forward! That counts in my book!! He has come so far in his healing, but still has a long way to go. Thanks for all the prayers for him- they are working, and God continues to be so awesome that I know there are many other great things in store for him.

One need he has- he owns his own web application business- I don't pretend to know what all that means, but if you do, and you know someone who is looking for someone good, give him a try. He could sure use the business!

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Entry for February 25, 2007

It took three hours today, but it looks like we are going to get our trip to Montana this summer planned for optimal fun!

Why is it hard to book flights? You can go to a myriad of websites, put in departure times and destinations, and get quotes that vary by up to $1000! Does anyone else remember when you just called the airlines and asked for the price? Seems like we live in the age of "have to have the best price" and maybe we have just made the whole process more confusing!

Friday, February 23, 2007

Entry for February 24, 2007

Ok, if you think you are in shape, do not play two on 1 basketball with a 16 year old and a 10 year old! 15 minutes kicked my tail! But it was fun- I haven't played like that in years! So I'd better get to running a little more often!

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Entry for February 22, 2007

Happy and sad- that is how I feel reading the latest spam email I got. It is from one of my favorite clothing stores, Avenue. The spring line is out and there are such wonderful things to choose from.


I am too small to shop there now! They cater to size 14 and above!! This is a blessing I know, but this was one store I could count on to have things I like. So as I move to smaller clothes, guess I'll have to say "hello Talbots!" Guess that won't be too much of a hardship, now will it?

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Entry for February 21, 2007

Have you ever missed Jesus? I missed Jesus today- and life is so much better with him around! Seriously, I'm directing the kid's Easter musical and the man playing Jesus was absent today. Somehow the play didn't flow so well without his part, even though I was reading it. Was a real learning opportunity for us all- when Jesus is missing, things don't go quite as well!!

Monday, February 19, 2007

Entry for February 20, 2007

Please tell me that at some point kids leave home and don't come back (lie to me if you have to!) Somedays they are just too much to put up with. I know it is the cold talking but I have an 18 year old that someone can have for free!!

All I wanted to do was come home today and go to bed. Instead, I get to drive 30 minutes to the orthodontist, the eye doctor, and the grocery store. They don't tell you these things until AFTER you're a mom for some reason. Going to rest now- maybe I won't be so grouchy tomorrow!

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Entry for February 19, 2007

OK, looks like I'm joining everyone else in the fun of getting sick. I'm glad you guys like to share, but this is a bit much! LOL! Actually, I guess I'll go to the doctor and make sure I don't have the flu- Savannah is just back in school today after more than a week of the stuff. Have too much to do to be down for too long. And of course the stupid DH comes by yesterday and only complains because I won't get up and help him find something! The least he could have done was take the kids to supper or something so I wouldn't have to worry about them eating. OK, promised I wouldn't grovel on here, but had to get that out! Thanks for putting up with me some days!!

ETA: Went to the doctor and he says it is just a cold- not the flu or strep throat. Guess that is good news, but they have meds for those and all I can do for this is drink a lot of water and let it run its course.

Also just heard that someone I care about very much has died. I know she was facing a long battle and would have faced it courageously, but I can't help but have the feeling that she got out easier this way (and that is a good thing, for her anyway.) Can't say that to her family but I hope they decide that and get some consolation from it. I'll miss you badly, Willow!

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Entry for February 18, 2007

Commandment #4- Remember the Sabbath and Keep it Holy

I know we don't do this- we laugh at people who do this - but I can remember as a kid when none of the stores were open on Sunday- blue laws, you know- and everyone came home from church, ate a big family dinner, and just enjoyed the afternoon.

I'm going back to my roots today- haven't done a darned thing after I got home from church, and I like it! Seems like we all need that! God gave us that rule for a reason, and I think it is as much for our benefit as his- he knew that unless he commanded us to rest that we'd just go on and on until we fell down from exhaustion. So let us remember to use Sunday (or whatever your Sabbath is) to rest and rejeuvinate. I think it will make Monday so much better!!

Friday, February 16, 2007

Entry for February 17, 2007

I was looking though an old book of poems that belonged to my late grandmother and came across this gem. It so sums up what I have been trying to express to some people lately (and can use a reminder of myself!)

Be the Best of Whatever You Are

If you can't be a pine on the top of the hill,
Be a scrub in the valley- but be
The best little scrub by the side of the rill;
Be a bush if you can't be a tree.

If you can't be a bush be a bit of the grass,
And some highway happier make;
If you can't be a muskie then just be a bass-
But be the liveliest bass in the lake!

We can't all be captains, we've got to be crew,
There's something for all of us here,
There's big work to do, and ther's lesser to do,
And the task you must do is the near.

If you can't be a highway then just be a trail,
If you can't be the sun be a star;
It isn't by size that you win or you fail-
Be the best of whatever you are!

Douglas Malloch

Success is being the best that is in you, it doesn't matter how lowly or how important your job is as long as you do it the very best that you can!!

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Entry for February 16, 2007

I've been sitting here for 10 minutes trying to decide what to say today. I am tired of complaining about things- I'm really not a complaining person, so I don't know why my tendency is to come here and rant! So I think today is a good time to begin a list of things I am thankful for!

My family- especially my mother and my children. I don't know how I'd make it through the day without them.

My local friends- who understand me and love me and get me out sometimes, even when I don't think I want to go.

My online friends- who I gain so much support and understanding from, and in return can understand and support them.

Strength and health- that I am able to get out and do the things that I want and need to do.

Pretty easy living- comparitively- that I do have a reliable car, a dishwasher, a washer and dryer, and other things that I totally take for granted.

Wonderful people to work with- an understanding boss, a helpful assistant, and great people who call and come in the office.

My talents- especially a love and knack for music and teaching.

My Lord- definately not this far down the list- but he is the one who has blessed me with all the above and so much more that I probably don't even notice! I'm going to try to remember Him and His gifts more instead of complaining about every little thing! I have it pretty good!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Entry for February 15, 2007

Ok, that's it, I am having a yard sale. I am in one of those moods where I could get rid of everything in the house! I'm tired of picking all this stuff up out of the floor anyway! Why do we accumulate all this junk? I noticed today where there is another storage facility opening in our town (like the 8 that we already have aren't enough?) Now we can have "climate control" storage, so our stuff isn't ruined while we're not using it! And they even have these big boxes that they'll bring to your house and you can fill them up, then they'll take them away and store them in some gigantic warehouse until you're ready for them again (honey, do you know what I did with that singing Billy Bass?)

I know that some people are in-between houses, living in apartments and these storage places are good things for them. But can there really be that many people with that much junk? There are way more mini-warehouse bins in town than apartments! A cousin of mine owns a mini-storage in town, and about once a year he has a cleaning-out sale (where people who haven't paid their rent get their junk sold!) So my question is, why did they store it to begin with? Why not have a yard sale? Or give it to the local Goodwill or Salvation Army and let them put it to some good use?

What do we hang on to this stuff for, anyway?

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Entry for February 14, 2007- Happy Valentine's Day

Well happy Valentine's Day! Even though there is no valentine this year, it has been a pretty good day! (I did get some chocolate from a 3rd grader in my choir- that counts, right?)

Well, we all know they leave the nest sometime. Chris has a chance to join the National Guard as an E4 candidate. He has 2 years experience as a firefighter, and can use his civilian training to bypass some of the entry level positions and enlist as a corporal. Scares the bejesus out of me, because I just KNOW he'll end up somewhere dangerous. He is actually counting on it! He lives for there to be something going on. This might be the best road for him since it is perfect for him, and will also give him some discipline he is sorely lacking! It is still hard to think that he could go to basic training this summer, as soon as school is out. But it is nice to think that he is set on a future and will not always ask me for money!!

Monday, February 12, 2007

Entry for February 13, 2007

Wonder what the weather is like in Florida, the Bahamas, Arizona . . . I'd like to be someplace warm and sunny. This is the absolute worst time of the year, I believe. The dead of winter, and my body is screaming for sunlight! At least that is my excuse for feeling down, sleeping too much, and just being lathargic the rest of the time. I have stepped up my exercise to try to combat this, and it is helping a little bit.

I also have another good reason to exercise- just found out that next month I'm going to see a friend for the first time in 15 years. Can't even remember where in my yo-yo weight I was then, but that won't stop me from looking great now! So that has picked me up some, but it has also made me sad that so many friends are lost- even their last names are lost in my memory. I got a photo album out and could say "Hey, that is Ed . . . something! Can't remember the last name." Too bad I didn't listen to my mother and label them. I just knew I'd remember them forever! So go label all your pictures now, while you still remember those people!

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Entry for February 12, 2007

I think I am too nice and trusting. I have been told that is a good thing, but some days being naive does not get you what you want. Sure, it would be great to pretend that all people were wonderful and are who they say they are, but then you get hit with the harsh reality that sometimes you really don't know people at all.

I think I'll just pray about it- and the fact that I don't have all the answers and don't really need them. I just need to follow God and listen to what He tells me to do . . . except He is very quiet. or maybe I am too loud? Hmmm...

I also think that a private detective wouldn't be a bad idea. At least I would know what he is up to and whether or not he is telling me the truth- sure she is just a friend. And that $53 Ruby Tuesday charge is just because you drank a lot? That's a LOT! And yes, I am becoming less trusting by the day!

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Entry for February 11, 2007

I feel like I'm standing at one of those forks in the road- where there are many paths but it is not clear which one is the best to take! They all look less traveled! As I tell the teenagers (much to their annoyance) choices are good! Set yourself up to have choices! But I'm starting to learn that choices are hard, and sometimes if you choose the wrong one there is a hefty price, so it is easier to stay where you are, feeling a false sense of safety.

I feel that God has big plans for my life, but I pay so little attention to details that I'm not sure what He is trying to tell me to do. I've asked him to make it clear to me, so I'm sure He will in His own time. In the meantime, I'm practicing patience and trying to be a good mom and a good person. I don't know if you count staying up to midnight talking to old friends as good or bad, but it has been a lot of fun to reconnect with people who have loved me a lifetime. (even when they haven't seen me in 15 years, and contact is scarce!) Amazing that we still have a connection- things in common, and are enjoying getting to know each other again. Guess that is the mark of true friendship- it never really dies!

I do know that whatever I do it will be to glorify the one who made me- the one who often gives me a reason to get up in the morning (sometimes just to see what He has in store for the day!) Just help me remember to pray for revelation and understanding!

Friday, February 9, 2007

Entry for February 10, 2007

I forgot I made this page! Thanks Tucky for reminding me that this is here! I'll have to pay better attention!

Savannah is sick so I'm stuck in the house watching her sleep. That's not a bad thing- she is the light of my life and I love the heck out of that girl! What I did to deserve her, I do not know! She is wise, and smart, and just a little lazy (ok, so she is a lot like me!) She is open and understanding and forgiving. Amazing child! Hopefully she feels better soon!