Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Ten Rainy Thoughts

1. It has rained all day. This is one of those days that started out warmer than it ended up. And the days are noticeably shorter now. *sigh* Winter is coming.

2. Work is much calmer this week! Thank goodness.

3. I have had time to work on my new business! I actually have THREE parties planned for this month with two more people who want to have one next month! These are mostly my friends who have agreed to help me get started, but I'll take it! Hopefully there will be some people at their parties who want to have a party!

4. That's www.mythirtyone.com/mommadish if you're interested- I can have online parties, too!

5. Speaking of parties, I got fantastic news today. Our church is sponsoring a trip to Belize in February to work with street children there. I was really interested but said no when I found out it was going to cost $1100. A man at church called me and told me I should go- and that he was going to pay for it!

6. Now I'm wondering- Belize in February. I'm going to have to Google it to see what the weather will be like. Central America I'm assuming is never cold?

7. My step-father is failing quickly. He has been with Hospice since June, but has been at a Hospice facility for the past three weeks. Mom is a wonderful nursemaid for him.

8. He is 89- I don't know if I want to live to be 89!

9. I bet I'll feel different when I'm 88!

10. Well that's all the news from here. Good night friends!


  1. No, I don't want to live that long, God Bless him and your mom too....
    I think it is awesome that someone wants to sponsor you to Belize, say yes, and thank you.... they may wish to be able to do it themselves and for what ever reason they can not .... and they feel you would do wonders, and the trip would be great for you!
    I imagine it's the best time of year to go!
    Congrats on getting your parties started!

  2. I've spent time there; it's a tropical climate, with wet & dry seasons, and with rainfall amount varying a lot, depending on which part of the country you're in; It's also in a hurricane zone. It's beautiful! There's world-class SCUBA diving and snorkeling there, and I think their barrier reef is almost as long as The Great Barrier Reef in Australia. (I used to be in the SCUBA diving business a number of years ago, with my (now) ex-husband). I'd go, especially if someone else is willing to cover your costs!

  3. We need some more rain here, hasn't rained that much lately and we are about 2 inches behind. We went like 6-7 weeks without a drop.

    Congrats on your new venture. Nice to have friends that are helping you out.

    Wow, Belize. I'd go, hopefully no strings are attached.

    Sorry about your step-dad, 89 is a long time to be around.

  4. Great post. Wonderful news on the trip. Sounds like you are feeling great about your new endeavor and that puts a smile on my face. 89 . . . I guess it would depend on my health. If I was still able to enjoy life - sure. If I was stuck in a home and a feeding tube - no thank you.

  5. [sarcasm] You mean you have a website?... gosh I think that's only the second or third time you've plugged it [/sarcasm] ;)

    Why not add your site to your links? - Just a thought :)

    My Gran will be 90 next year, I dunno if I'd want to live to that age. Especially if I'd dementia :(

    We've had all weathers, sleet, rain, sun and wind over the past couple of days. It's not so bad when it's sunny but when it's a driving wind with wind and rain....

  6. 1. we'll be getting the rain today and for the next week...ugh.
    2. not for me.
    3. I hope you're very successful!
    4. online is the way to go---remember ZB's parties? will there be a chocolate fountain?
    5. wow!!! that is a generous thing. Generosity is repaid with generosity I think.
    6. I have no idea where it is...I'll have to google it too.
    7. how sad.
    8. It's hard to picture that for me.
    9. If I'm here, I'll be living in someone's garage no doubt.
    10. Morning!!!

  7. It cool and wet here too and still a bit dark when I go to school in the morning. That's the one part I don't like about winter :(

    Work is in overload this week. I take it one day at the time, trying not to start hyperventilating, lol. Next week is my week off, thank goodness!!

    Glad the parties are starting! That's good news!

    How absolutely wonderful that you can go to Belize! God provides!!

    So sorry to hear about your stepfather.
    My grandfather was 99 when he passed away. He was still relatively healthy but he felt lonely as all of his contemporaries had died years ago ... he had no one who knew about his life anymore. Children and grandchildren only know so much ...
    So I do hope top live to a ripe, old age but not too ripe and old ;)

  8. Belize is known as New York without the crime. It's damn hot there, like in the high 80º's to 90º's plus.
    I'd a friend stationed there (he was a dentist for the RFA aka Naval Reserve).

  9. As regards the best way to go...

    I want to be murdered at the age of 92......

    By the jealous husband of a very sexy slim 22 year old blonde woman with big tits!

  10. Mo, it is supposed to be a nice time of year to go- not too many bugs! Thanks for the blessings for mom- she needs them!

    Blue, I hope we get to do some sight-seeing!

    Dave, there aren't any strings. This is through my church and they often have people who can't go on trips but want to help others go.

    Kat, I miss the chocolate fountains! And ZB- wish I knew what became of him...

    Riete, take deep breaths and remember to rest!

    Dave, if I put it in my links then I wouldn't have a good excuse to keep mentioning it! Ha!

    Paul, you made me laugh my biggest laugh of the day! What an image!

  11. I'll be sure you have a tombstone that says "he died happy!"

  12. 1. It's been cloudy here...raining off and on a bit today. It's not exactly warm but it's not cold, either.
    2. I'm glad things have calmed down at work. *hugs*
    3. YAY for parties! I'll have to have my niece come over. There's a few things I saw she might like that I could get her.
    4. I have it bookmarked! lol!
    5. Belize sounds wonderful! What a great fellow to pay for your trip!
    6. It should be warm, I hope.
    7. I'm sorry to hear about your step-dad. *hugs*
    8. I'll wait to see when I get there (89).
    9. I'm going to be patient.
    10. Good night! *hugs*

  13. Wow, I didn't know you had a business and wow, Belize! All great news, Janeen ... glad to read it. :)

    I am sorry to hear about your step-father, though. I hope that if things are going poorly, he is in as little pain as possible.

  14. Thanks Kippy- he's with Hospice and they manage pain very well. He's stubborn though, and won't ask for extra until he can't stand it. We can seem to get him to understand that if he'd take some at regular intervals, it wouldn't get bad. But I don't expect it to last too much longer.

  15. I am going to check out your home biz, for sure. I would love to find something I can do , but honestly, just don't have enough supportive people around here to be able to rely on attending a party!!

    Belize! Wow! And it's being funded! That's amazing!

  16. It's been a dismal week at best! I'm sighing with you, winter is tooooo near.
    Sorry to hear about your step-father. I can't imagine being 89.

  17. Sorry about your Step-Dad...I'm hoping his passing was peaceful and your mom is dealing with things as best she can. It's never an easy thing to lose someone you love.

  18. Thanks Kat- his passing was very peaceful. I've never watched someone die before and it was amazing. He gave my mom a kiss and took a few more breaths, then just didn't take another one. It was really sweet.
