Monday, October 3, 2011

Dream Workshop- Session Three- The New Age

What is the New Age?
Hinduism measures periods of time in yugas. The age we are in now (the Kali Yuga) is coming to an end after nearly 3000 years. We are entering the Satya Yuga, or the age of truth. Edgar Cayce referred to this as the "Age of the Lily" - the age of Aquarius. He said it is a good time to be alive! This is an age of peace that only the pure will comprehend.

Signs of the Time:
- Cleansing of rebellion, hate, selfishness, sorrow, tears, and sadness
- Corruptions brought to light
- Leveling of power structures
- Strifes (Cayce predicted Lybia, Egypt, Syria, and Ankara!)
- Earth changes- upheavals in the arctics
- Volcanoes and earthquakes
- Atlantis will rise
- These will be gradual changes

Promises of the New Age
- A new heaven and a new earth- no desire to sin, glory of the Son
- Those who are prepared will be shown the way
- Revelation
- We will be our brother's keeper
- Spirits of light enter the earth
- Greater communication with God and Creative Forces

Christ- the 2nd Coming:
- Is His coming literal or symbolic... or both? Will be like the 40 days after his resurrection (Jesus appeared to those who knew him and believed in him.)
- Cayce says Jesus will return in his same body- will appear to those who align their will with his

When will Christ come?
- No one knows (not even Jesus) but it is not our concern
- We will be able to enter the Holy of Holies
- Matt 24 and Mark 13 (many will come in His name, there will be war, nation rising against nation, famine and earthquakes in new places.

To put all our efforts into looking for Christ to come is foolish; preparing for Christ to come is wise; asking Christ into our hearts now is wisest.

What will Happen? We will walk and talk with Him.

What is expected of us?
What will Jesus find us doing?
Jesus carried a message wherever he went.
Be ready to give an account- how did you use your gifts?
Be true to ourselves and our calling.
Abide in the truth- keep commands- love one another.

-Be in the world but not of the world
-Do not be worried or anxious (develop the Spirit to rebuke the winds). When worries come, turn within. Pray daily "Lord, use me."
- Work on the ideal- the spiritual foundation
- Service- the ideal is made alive by living the truth- meet anger with love and compassion (Ghandi is an example)
- We come into grace by helping others

We cannot contain Christ in Christianity
- any religion who sees the One True God has a Christ spirit.

- Engages God in our efforts to obtain our ideal
- Sets self aside- purges our selfishness (like Jesus drove out the moneychangers from the temple)
- sets the stage for meditation

Dimensions of Prayer:
- "Thy Will be Done"
- Learn how to carry the cross (that thing's heavy!)
- Pray about anything and everything- nothing's too big or too small for the Creator
- Meet crosses, trials, and temptations
- Repentance
- Faith makes things manifest (your faith has made you well)


  1. hmmm... there's a few "ages' missing such as neolithic (I ain't gunna name them all) lol.

    - Atlantis will rise

    I don't think so, it's underground!! Unlike many think; under water.

  2. Hmm... Atlantis buried? I haven't heard that one... then maybe that isn't literal, but perhaps it will more rise like the Phoenix from the ashes. Or like Pompeii, be uncovered by man.

  3. There was a documentary about 'Finding Atlantis' and like you, I expected them to go into the sea or dive down and find some city that was under water. Sadly it wasn't like that at all. They done Geo-Phis (scanned the land, it's like a sonar machine that sends a sound down then when it hits something the sound bounces back so they can create a picture or/and map)
    Anyway, it transpired that Atlantis was about 2mile from the sea, but remember years ago it was probably under water.

  4. We do like to "put God in a box" .... limit our understanding of just how big He is, and what He can do.
