Saturday, October 29, 2011

I'm going to Amsterdam for 5 months!!


  1. Well you better make sure you have an Amster Dam good time ! <--- old tourism commercial for Amsterdam from the 70's. First time I ever heard a swear word on TV.

    So what's the occassion? Church related?

  2. Whoah! How cool! Five months is a long time!

  3. Just when my friend Riete announces she is going to Colombia for 7 months!

  4. Maybe she's packing. . . . . or better yet, shopping!

  5. you got me. same as Joanne...trouble is I already live in New York.

  6. You'll love it - very interesting city quite unlike any other:)

  7. Awesome! Take lots of pics and keep a journal of your visit. We want to hear all about it. (-:

  8. Wow! 5 months is a long time! I assume it's work related? I've heard Amsterdam is amazing...if you like to smoke weed!

  9. or like space cakes or the red light district - there is a show on UK TV about the Amsterdam Cop's and what they have to put up with. Quite amusing sometimes.

  10. I think I'd rather be in Scotland or Ireland... or somewhere with wide open countryside!

  11. I have an acquaintance that lives there (she's American) with her husband (who is Dutch) and their two kids. What brought this opportunity up? Sounds intriguing ~

  12. Amsterdam is not far from lots of open countryside.. it is just that it is all very flat over there!

  13. It's a game... look on some other people's sites and you'll see where they're going, too!

  14. So you just winding us up, then, huh?

  15. Yep... If I were going to Europe, there are many places on the list I'd want to see before Amsterdam!

  16. I've been suspecting it was some kind of game. Another lady I know said she was going to Columbia and I noticed that neither of you posted any details whatsoever. But I don't know the premise of the game. . . . .is it to see how others respond?

    Btw, if you buy me a pizza I won't tell God you misled me. Ha!

  17. God doesn't like tattletales.... But I'll but you pizza anyway. Hey- wait- don't you still owe me pizza from last year?
