Sunday, October 2, 2011

Not the Blog I Wanted

I know, I was going to blog about my workshop this weekend. I ran out of time to get my notes typed up, and I think they need to sit another day anyway. We covered a lot of ground! So, here's a crazy quiz for you:

1. The most expensive thing that you have ever stolen: A glass paperweight- I was 7 or 8 years old. Can't think of anything else.

2. Something that would make you throw up if you ate it: Anything with tequila in it... blech!

3. Do you have any deformities?  Not until you get to my mind....

4. A liquor that you will never touch again:  See #2! Yes, there's a story, Super Bowl 1988- Denver Broncos vs. Washington Redskins. I was in college. We thought it would be fun to do a shot every time our team scored. I was a Redskin fan. I figured, how bad could it be? Super Bowl scores weren't usually outrageous. Wrong. It was 35-10 at half-time. I was so sick!

5. The worst accident that you have ever had:  I've never had more than a fender bender, thank goodness!

6. Someone you would like to be for a day: Hmm... that's an awesome question. I wish I could think of an answer. Oh, I could be Kat or Susan for a day and get them a better job!

7. Have you ever tried to kill yourself?   No, I like me!

8. An animal that you would like to come back as:  Definitely Kat's Bela. He's king of the hill, and well taken care of. Doesn't take anything off of anyone, either.

9. Something you can go buy right now that should be illegal: Tobacco

10. Something illegal that you wish you could go buy right now:   I can't think of a thing.

11. If my parents ever knew this, I would die: I'm sure if you'd asked this 25 years ago I could have thought of something.

12. Your dream car: BMW Z4 Roadster convertible. Well, while I'm dreaming, that is. I want a Nissan Altima coupe for my next real car!

13. *Poof* and you are there for a day: Greece. Or maybe Ireland. Or the Galapagos Islands. This was an easy one!

14. The worst of the 7 Deadly Sins:  Skepticism. Ok, that isn't really one. I'd pick greed.

15. My dream job would be: Retired! I like my job- except maybe tomorrow after having 3 days off last week.

16. Has an animal ever touched your genitals: Have you ever had a dog? They love to sniff!

17. What is the meanest thing that you have done to someone?  I can't think of anything specific- I'm sure I've probably said things to people that hurt them.

18. Something you regret doing: Probably talking too much instead of listening.

19. If I could wish anything away, it would be: Hatred of people who are different from you.

20. Your #1 guilty pleasure:  York Peppermint Patties.


  1. 1. The most expensive thing that you have ever stolen: Too many lady's hearts.

    2. Something that would make you throw up if you ate it: Prunes

    3. Do you have any deformities? My self-image. I don't always think as highly of my abilities as I should. Oh, I don't sing very well.

    4. A liquor that you will never touch again: Gin. I tried it because James Bond drank it. It tasted like gasoline to me. Yuck!

    5. The worst accident that you have ever had: Totaled a car with the engine sitting beside me in the front seat. It just wasn't my time.

    6. Someone you would like to be for a day: Dr. Brian May. He an English musician and astrophysicist most widely known as the guitarist and the songwriter (lyrics and music) of the rock band Queen. As a guitarist he uses his home-built guitar, "Red Special", and has composed hits such as "Tie Your Mother Down", "We Will Rock You", "39", "Bohemian Rhapsody", "We Are The Champions" and "Fat Bottomed Girls". He was made Commander of the Order of the British Empire in 2005 for "services to the music industry". May studied physics and mathematics at Imperial College London, graduating with a BSc (Hons) degree and ARCS in physics with Upper Second-Class Honours. May earned a PhD in astrophysics from Imperial College and is currently the Chancellor of Liverpool John Moores University. He was voted the 7th greatest guitarist of all time. He is a true polymath.

    7. Have you ever tried to kill yourself? Not on purpose. Jumping out of an airplane and saddle bronco riding don't count.

    8. An animal that you would like to come back as: None

    9. Something you can go buy right now that should be illegal: Fireworks

    10. Something illegal that you wish you could go buy right now: Can't think of a thing.

    11. If my parents ever knew this, I would die: I'm sure if you'd asked this 25 years ago I could have thought of something.

    12. Your dream car: Bentley 3 1/2-litre, 1936MY

    13. *Poof* and you are there for a day: London

    14. The worst of the 7 Deadly Sins: Pride.

    15. My dream job would be: Full-time writing or being a male companion for a wealthy, highly educated, upper class, snobbish older lady.

    16. Has an animal ever touched your genitals: Nope

    17. What is the meanest thing that you have done to someone? Had them transferred to north of the Arctic Circle.

    18. Something you regret doing: being too much of a lady's man when I was younger.

    19. If I could wish anything away, it would be: Unemployment/slothfulness.

    20. Your #1 guilty pleasure: Dr. Pepper.

  2. I'll have to come back when I have more time....

  3. 1. The most expensive thing that you have ever stolen: Nada. I stole a penny piece of candy once, but I went back and paid for it.

    2. Something that would make you throw up if you ate it: Squid or octopus. BLAH!

    3. Do you have any deformities? Phyiscal?

    4. A liquor that you will never touch again: Takillya

    5. The worst accident that you have ever had: Flipping a station wagon end over end at 80 miles per hour.

    6. Someone you would like to be for a day: Arny Freytag

    7. Have you ever tried to kill yourself? Nope

    8. An animal that you would like to come back as: A well-loved dog

    9. Something you can go buy right now that should be illegal: Takillya

    10. Something illegal that you wish you could go buy right now: I could go buy it if I wanted to.

    11. If my parents ever knew this, I would die: Oh HELL no.

    12. Your dream car: 1967 Dodge Charger

    13. *Poof* and you are there for a day: Dutch Antilles sipping bourbon

    14. The worst of the 7 Deadly Sins: Gluttony

    15. My dream job would be: Arny Freytag's

    16. Has an animal ever touched your genitals: I have a dog. Duh.

    17. What is the meanest thing that you have done to someone? Let them live.

    18. Something you regret doing: Letting the person in 17 live.

    19. If I could wish anything away, it would be: My arthritis

    20. Your #1 guilty pleasure: I don't have guilt from my pleasures, other than maybe my strange obsession with "B" movies

  4. Ok, I am going to re-post this on my blog....although "fair warning", I didn't used to be as nice as I am now...O wait..I'm NOT nice (well...maybe sometimes....grin) ~

  5. YEA...York...have you tried the one's with the green mint centers???

  6. *shock*

    They messed with York patties? Blasphemy! (Ha!)
