Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Is this bad? I'm so excited- they're issuing a warrant for the arrest of my ex for non-payment of child support. He's over $20,000 behind.

Best Chicken Salad Ever!

I'm going to try this tonight- might make a sandwich or just eat it out of the bowl!

1/2 c mayonnaise
1/4c sour cream
1 T sugar
1 t lemon rind (zest)
1/2 t ginger
1/4 t salt
2 c chopped, cooked chicken
1 c grapes, halved
1 c celery, chopped
1/4 c toasted sliced almonds

Mix together first 7 ingredients. Add remaining ingredients. Refrigerate.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Chicken Indienne

I made this for supper tonight. Tired of eating the same things over and over again, I got out my Southern Living cookbook and tried the first recipe the page fell open to. Think I'll do this on Mondays for a bit- maybe come up with some new foods. This one is definitely a keeper!

4 T flour
1 T curry powder
1/2 t salt
4 chicken breasts
1 T vegetable oil
1 c water
1/2 c milk
3 cups cooked rice (I used brown basmati, but use whatever you like!)
1/4 c toasted coconut

On wax paper, combine 3 T of flour with curry powder and salt. Coat the chicken with this mixture.

In a non-stick skillet, heat the oil over moderately high heat. Add the chicken and brown for 4 minutes on each side. Add water and bring to a boil. Lower the heat, cover and simmer until chicken is dome. Remove chicken from pan but retain the drippings.

In a cup, whisk the milk and remaining 1T of flour. Add to drippings and bring to a simmer over moderate heat, whisking constantly. Simmer for 2 minutes or until gravy thickens.

Serve chicken over rice, top with gravy and toasted coconut.

Ok, I'll stop complaining about this place not being busy! I haven't made it through the 47 new updates I had tonight yet!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Off to College...

We left about 11:00am this morning to drive the 25 miles to Brandon's new college, Belmont Abbey. (Yes, it is a Catholic school- with Benedictine Monks and everything!) There were a line of people greeting parents and students in the parking lot and showing us which way to go. We got our packets and name tags, then for some reason, the guides didn't think they needed to guide us any further. So we wandered through the campus in search of the dorm. (Good thing I called last week to find out what dorm/room he was in!)

We got to the dorm, got his key, met his RA and then were told we'd have to get in line to park. Which was fine, but no one said where the line was. So we wandered around some more. Discovered that half of the info we needed was in our packets (that they didn't tell us to read- guess I should have known!)

We get into the room, and there are 3 beds! Yes, they'll have a 3rd roomie for a couple of nights until they do the "who didn't show up" room shuffle. So we're trying to cram things wherever we can cram them. His roommate arrives, and they are going to be great friends. Tashawn and his parents (yes, they're black) were so friendly and accommodating that it doesn't appear these boys are going to have any trouble getting along. The parents are very sweet, but have a 4 hour drive home (I tried not to rub in the 30 min drive I had!) so they were back on the road fairly quickly. I went to WM to get the little odds and ends that they didn't have. No coaxial cable for the TV. No security lock for the laptop... things like that.

Then it was time for supper and goodbye. Took the boys to McDonalds- the college was having supper for them, but the line was huge! I guess feeding 300 people all at one time wasn't a very good idea.

They have a full schedule, with basically no free time the next three days. All orientation, getting to know the school, getting to know each other.. and the basketball coach made everything mandatory! I'm glad, because he said on the way there that he might want to come home tonight and not stay the weekend. I was encouraging him to do everything they had planned. Coach solved the problem! Savannah and I will go back for supper tomorrow night. The boys need a wireless router and I have an extra one here at home I'll take them. So I get to see him again soon!

One boy off to college... sad day... one Nana doing better today... happy day!

Picture Perfect- Liquid

Stream Bed
As soon as I saw the topic this week I thought of this picture. It was taken two years ago on the Canadian side of Glacier National Park (which is Waterton Park, if you're in Canada.) The rocks in the stream bed are red and green. The signs told us that this is rock normally found far below the earth's crust. I brought some home with me because they're so unique, but you have to keep them wet in order for their color to show through. Therefore, they need to stay in liquid.
Picture Perfect
Each week a new theme will be posted here on Friday morning. You are invited to put up your best picture on your own blog with that theme in mind, and you do have the whole weekend to post your picture, so there is no rush

Remember it should be just  ONE and ORIGINAL, taken by YOU,and not off the internet,

Then come back and leave a comment on this page in the comment box so that everyone can link to your blog and see your photo. Don't forget to OPEN your page to EVERYONE for that day.

By all means mention your camera and lens used, and if the picture has been altered or enhanced in any way, so we can all learn and improve our techniques.

Try and post a decent size picture on your blog page for an increased WOW factor. Often so much is lost or distorted if the size is too big or too small.

Remember this is NOT a competition, this about being creative having fun and being supportive of one another.

Out of the box thinking is encouraged.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Ten Tired Tuesday Thoughts

1. I'm tired. Too much staying up late and getting up early. I could do that in my 20's no problem. 40's? No way.

2. Today is Brandon's birthday. He's 19.

3. Funny how they always wanted cake and presents and to celebrate their birthday ON their birthday. Now they just want money.

4. I'm throwing him a surprise party on Friday. Having all his friends over in the pool and cooking burgers.

5. He leaves for college in 10 days. Granted, he's only going to be 20 miles away, but I'm still going to miss him!

6. Did I mention I'm tired? Can I go to bed yet?

7. Savannah has softball practice in an  hour, so no bed yet. It is storming, so maybe they'll cancel it.

8. I still have laundry to do, though. Mom sends me her housekeeper when she doesn't need her. She comes tomorrow, so I'll spend tonight picking things up. Funny how you have to clean so the housekeeper can come clean!

9. I think I'm tired because of lack of exercise. Should I join a gym? I do better if I have somewhere to go and make an appointment out of it. This "I'll do it sometime tonight" isn't happening.

10. Does it seem like there aren't as many blogs to read today?

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Waterfalls and Rafts

We took off after church on Sunday and went to the mountains to play. Scott, Savannah, my niece Kyra (who is Savannah's age) and me. We went to Dupont State park and played in the waterfalls, then spent the night in Waynesville. Got up on Monday and went to raft the Nantahala. It was a short escape, but very fun!