Sunday, February 19, 2012

Zeebers is Here!!

Zeebers arrived in my mailbox on Saturday. He seemed really happy to be out of his box!

He wanted to get online and let his mommy and daddy know that he made it to NC ok. But I had to explain to him that the internet hasn't worked all week. AT&T decided to discontinue DSL in this area and replace it with U-Verse. It was supposed to be an easy "plug-this-in" kind of thing, but of course, nothing is ever that easy. Zeebers tried to help fix it, though.

So instead, he went exploring the house. Once he found Scary Cat (that Susan sent me one year) he decided to stick a little closer to me!

I was doing the dishes and he wanted to help...

... and figured out the dish detergent was the same color as his hair!

He also went digging in my purse. I guess no one ever taught him that wasn't a nice thing to do. He found some funny money! I had to explain to him that it is real money, but only if you spend it in Belize!

I made him put it away so we could get ready to go to my friend Paula's surprise birthday party. He heard the word party and was ready to go! He really liked her...

He also liked the booze that was flowing! But I reminded him that we were going home and going to bed because we had church in the morning. He was pretty good about it, but I think he kept trying to figure out how he was going to sleep in late! All in all, it was a good first day with Zeebers!


  1. My mother dyed her hair that color once - by accident.

  2. ROFL! Poor Scary Cat! *giggles* Scary Cat really is a good little kitty. Except on Halloween. lol!

  3. Have fun with Zeebers! Looks like he is having a blast. ;)

  4. Zeebers isn't real hot with technology - thankfully.

  5. On the positive side, at least you knew where she was in the dark ;)

  6. Now don't you be getting Zbrs drunk now, and Dawn? are you trying to match-make? LOL

  7. Don't send poor Zeebers here...He would be lunch for a certain black dog...

  8. How fun to have Zeebers around! ;)

  9. LOL -- let's hope Zeebers doesn't meet with peril....

  10. I can see that. Did Zeebers drink that whole bottle?

  11. I think he had two.. there were a few empties around him, anyway!

  12. That's a thing.... Dishy, you should get your hair done to match Zeebers! lol

  13. Zeebers working for his booze... like a true hobo

  14. Awwww you'd look lovely with it bright pink hahaha!!! x

  15. I am thinking of doing my hair pink..... oh, wait a second, hmmm... wonder if it goes against the uniform policies and procedures??? Ahhhh who cares... I am going for it!!!! I believe the pink will go well with the cabbage leaf that I sometimes wear at work..( produce guy). looks like you are having a nice visit Zeebs....keep it up.

  16. Oh go on! You KNOW you want to!! :D

    Isn't he the most awesome little house guest? :)

  17. I had a lot of fun with him Sue! My boss wanted to keep him... I think I'm going to have to find her one!
