Wednesday, February 8, 2012

More collected wisdom (really?) from Belize

- Thank you Mr. "My Mouth"
- Can I have a washcloth?
- Apparently, we all have cooties
- Behold the Beliezean Mona Lisa
- Hang that on your wall
- That's not going on the list
- You may get cancer, but the mosquitoes won't bite (speaking about Deet)
- It's like tomorrow today
- God loves God
- How did your hand fall in the sandwich?
- Smurfs or Care Bears?
- Honey, there's something in the water
- I do this every morning
- Let's be musical later
- Here, hold this, you can have it (the lady in the park who tried to give us her baby)
- This is what heaven sounds like
- They all have a name
- Encouraging others encourages you, too.
- You can make a difference to this one.
- Victory in Jesus!
- I do remember signing something, but I don't think I read it.
- I marked that part out.
- Do you want me to come hold your hand?
- Every little bit counts
- It goes around but it doesn't go down
- I have affected our toilet
- Tings already bettah.
- Oh, I think we're lost
- She's just airing out
- It's just like dating Taylor Swift
- Guys, we're so messed up!

And the wisdom from the coffeehouse wall:
- To do the impossible you need the best team.
- Everyone gets knocked down; what's important is getting back up.
- Consider no task beneath you.


  1. Oddly enough - I found myself smiling.

  2. frightening.... but, lol.... look how wise you'll be when you get home... and yes, use the deet, you can always wash it off....

  3. Let's be musical later? You eating beans?

  4. She's just airing out? A nude sun bather?

  5. Sounds like you're having a blast :)

  6. Close- have you ever eaten in a foreign country? Sometimes things get stopped up....

  7. We're having an absolute blast! I haven't laughed or cried so much in one week ever. I can't wait to really blog about it- with pictures- but I have a lot to process. It's been life-changing, that's for sure.

  8. Everyone's had minor stomach things. Nothing huge except for one person who has IBS- they took a little trip to the hospital!

  9. Would that be "Irratable Belize Syndrome"?

  10. Where you are, it's no wonder!! But I'm glad you are enjoying yourself :))
