Sunday, February 5, 2012

Things I learned today...

Things I learned in Belize:
- Two male iguanas cannot share the same tree
- Don't flush the toilet paper
- Paula really doesn't always have everything
- Two or more bodies can share the same crypt
- Space bags really work
- Kids love worship!
- Is it burning coconut husks or cannabis?
- Give tanks for Heat!
- You must always have manners (even when grabbed)
- Racism is universal
- Sweets make friends fast
- Mission is messy
- It might be only half-done, but it is half-better
- Perfect worship doesn't always go perfectly
- If you want to shake it up, take a Belizean bus!
- You spend a lot of fishing time not catching fish
- Right now can be later
- Belizean napkins are the same size as a square of toilet paper
- "Swalloble" is a new word
- There are no bad words, only bad usage
- If you're eating together, it isn't fellowship, it's swallowship!


  1. Maybe I should take my film on one of those buses. ;D

  2. *laugh* Those sound like awesome life lessons. :)

  3. I love this list.........yes, mission IS messy. Life is messy.


    praying for you.

  4. this might be a blog unto itself..... sounds like you are having an amazing trip!

  5. I could write a blog about most of these! We collected them during the day- laughing all the time! It was interesting to watch two four-foot iguanas fight for a tree branch. Our leader's name is Heath, Since they don't use the "th" sound, it came out "give tanks for Heat and de group."

    The best thing (and it isn't on the list here) is that we are the first group to ever visit the Philadelphia Evangelical Church in Santa Elena. That they got this attention meant the world to them. They were fantastic to us- the preacher's wife even baked chocolate cake! You'd have thought they were old pros at having teams in as open and inviting as they were. More people turned out Sunday night than Sunday morning. Word spread that we were here.

    Today we'll finish installing a ceiling in their Sunday school room and stop at one of the local Mayan ruins on our way back to Belize City.

  6. At least they HAVE toilet paper...could be a mop. The transportation and punctuality sound very familiar....

  7. Sounds wonderful. I bet the bus ride was an adventure!
