Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Thoughts for a Wednesday

I don't think I had ten thoughts yesterday. Mostly I was thinking "ouch!" I finally broke down and went to the chiropractor this week. My hip has been hurting for about 2 months and just didn't seem to get any better. Of course, I'm all out of whack! Apparently one hip is higher than the other and I have a bulging lumbar disc. Good news- it is fixable!

And fix she did. This little NASA invention went to doing its rat-a-tat-tat on my spine. Then I got my electro-shock therapy. Ok, that's probably not what they call it but they hooked up these electrodes and sent little shocks through my back. It felt so good at the time! But not today- today it hurts worse than ever. I go back tomorrow so maybe it will feel a little better after that.

My other thought yesterday would have been about Chris. He's still in Houston- taking some refresher classes to make sure his certs will be good for the next year. They leave on Friday and will be in Iraq by Sunday. I'm more worried about him traveling there than I am with him being there. I don't know if that makes sense but any sort of travel there is dangerous. I'll be glad when he is "safe" on the base.

So yes, just like I suspected, that's all the thoughts I have. That and in 2 1/2 weeks we'll be at the beach! I haven't been in 4 years so I'm totally ready!


  1. In 2 and 1/2 weeks, I'll still be here. *sigh* And Art was tempting me with Mt. Rushmore. *sigh* We still can't go this year.

  2. hope that adjustment does the trick! I need a chiro too.... part of the problem of relocating.....

    beach? what beach? how cool! awesome for you !

  3. We did Mt Rushmore 3 years ago... I was slightly impressed. I'm glad we saw that before we went to Glacier, or I wouldn't have been impressed at all! Let me know if you want to go to Glacier or the Grand Canyon- I'd love to do both of those!

    Mo, we're heading to Myrtle Beach. I can't remember the last time I've been there. I usually stay away from the commercial stuff and head for hidden beaches. But the 13 year old insists this time!

  4. myrtle beach sounds great! pack the sunscreen! ;-p

  5. I think you are correct on the travel being dangerous. I have a lady friend from church who has been over in Iraq continuously since 2003 with Haleburton. She travels around the country in Army helicopter's . She is the Iraq Theater IT goddess or something like that. I know she has theater in her title for being over the whole country. Travel is the big concern. I pray a hedge of protection around your love one. It is scary. The chiropractor sounds wonderful. I have always had relief when they do their thing.

  6. I will be happy to let you know! It will more than likely be next year. This year we need to get a car and a washer. lol!

  7. You're headed to Myrtle Beach at just the right time - my mother-in-law isn't there, lmao! She does the "Escape From Ohio" thing every winter and has a spot down on the Beach, but luckily for you she's here at home right now. No crazy ladies to worry about! :D

    Good luck with the chiro... I hope it helps. Mine just needs a soak in a two-foot deep bath full of bubbles! Or a hot tub... oh YES! Pops has been busy today starting on a deck area for it, woohooo!! To say I'm pleased is a true understatement!

    Best wishes to Chris. I hope the time flies by and he's home again before you know it - with a dozen kitbags of laundry for you Janeen! I bet you'd be more than happy to wash every single sock!

  8. I am pretty sure chiropracters can't cure old age.

  9. I am quite familiar with chiropractors ... in the end it does ease the pain, but I often felt like a bruised apple (if that makes sense, lol).

    That beach sounds great! How nice to have something to look forward to!

    I pray for a safe journey for Chris!

  10. Chiropractors are little miracle workers. I SO miss going to one! Stupid insurance!

    You will be a little worse off after going for the first or second time, but then, you'll be feeling better...I hope!

    I will keep Chris in my thoughts and the beach too....I would LOVE to go to the beach again!

  11. OH! Myrtle Beach! My family and myself vacationed there my entire life! The last time I was there was 1985 and I was 17! Oh, how I miss Myrtle Beach!

    I've heard it's gone VERY commercial and that there is even a nude beach somewhere around there! haha!

  12. Thanks Jimmie- that's a great prayer, for a hedge of protection. I know he is a man but he's still a little boy to me!

    Susan, sounds like a good plan. Can't be this year for us either- summer's already planned out!

    Sue, I'm sure she isn't the only crazy lady there, but hopefully the graduation crowd won't come in until after we leave.

    Steve, I wish they could!

    Iggy - boo to you, too!

    Riete, it makes perfect sense! That's what I felt like yesterday- a bruised apple is a perfect description. It feels much better today, though. And thanks for the prayers!

  13. Ha Leece- I don't know about the nude beach- I think I should stay far away from that! It is very commercial, though. But we haven't been in ages. It's been 4 years since I went to the beach and that was to a secluded island. I can't remember the last time I was in Myrtle- I think Savannah was 2 or 3, so probably 10 years ago? I bet it is even more commercial now.

  14. That thing looks like a cattle prod with a tuning fork as the business end.

  15. The tens unit they use to give the electro shock therapy, feels so good.

    Before long, I am planning on going to the cractopracter, to get all realigned.

    Never been to the beach, so I really don't know what I am missing, but have fun.

  16. Hope your hip feels better soon. Lying on the beach helps most things too. :)

  17. So true Lisa- I expect the beach is good therapy!

    Scott, that tens unit is wonderful! That has been the favorite part of my visit so far!

    Ajax, I guess it is "tuning" my back!

  18. I would be worrying too, especially after the recent spate of air crashes. But the chances of any incidents are really small Janeen. I am following that awful Air India crash in Mangalore. Staying in one place is definitely the best I think. What are you doing this evening Janeen? I wonder what Kippy is doing right now.......

  19. Kippy's just about ready to get married right about now... and yeah, the air crash was unnerving. Especially since he's flying in to Dubai. It's a 16 hour flight from here- non stop.

  20. Well Janeen, Dubai has a mega safe airport to land at. Absolutely flat (no mountains and gorges etc) and state of the art. I have landed there maybe 20 or 25 times over the years. And the tax free prices there in the airport are about the lowest anywhere. Can even buy gold bars at the airport at lowest prices.

  21. I LOVE my chiropractor and his tens unit!!!! AND... he's a cutie! :)

    I'll keep Chris in my thoughts.

    I LOVE the beach! This is the first year I probably won't go to Florida to visit my sister. We have a lake here... but it doesn't even compare to the ocean!

  22. Heard from Chris- they were safe in Dubai this afternoon and at this point should be in Baghdad.

  23. So glad to hear that, you know I'm sharing in your worrying with you cause my son is beginning this journey very soon as well.

  24. I know Arkie- I'll keep him and his basic training in my prayers.

  25. hmmm...I missed this.

    I need a chiropractor too. Only no insurance and they cost as much as doctors now...with the Xrays, no way I can afford it.

    I've had that electro thing too. Only when I had it, it wasn't a chiropractor issue, so it didn't help at all. Now, I betcha it would be good for my problem (from lifting Riley). hugs
