Thursday, May 13, 2010

The Right Thing

Can you believe this? I went to Lowe's today to get some plants. Of course the garden center only had one register open, with about 4 people in line. There was a lady heading to the line right in front of me with a few things in her buggy. She parks it in line and walks off.

Ok, now I've done that- forgot that one thing that I can grab really fast and be right back. Only she wasn't right back. So I had a dilemma- go around her or wait. Well, you know me, I'll be patient and just wait. So I did- waited until the guy in front of her was paying for his things and she still wasn't back! Now you have to think, that was 3 people who had made their purchases. She didn't go after one "quick" thing.

So, I pull around her and, just as I was pulling up to the counter, her husband (who I hadn't seen yet) says, in a big voice that didn't sound friendly, "so, you cut in line in front of me, huh?" I was taken aback, but found enough indignancy to quip back "yes- yes I did" and continue with my order.

What gets into some people? They thought they could just keep shopping but save their place in line, I suppose. I hesitate to point out that they had New York accents, although I know Kat will agree with me when I say that, generally, people in the South don't act like that. Generalities, I know- because I have some awesome friends who were raised in upstate New York. And I was raised right here with some people who may be sitting in your yard with a shotgun if you made them mad. So it isn't totally about where you were raised, but how.


  1. If they were in such an all-fire rush, they should have picked up what they forgot when they were near it.

    You did nothing wrong.

    You didn't cut in front of the guy. He was not at his wife's cart.

    I would have done the same, waited for a bit, then go around.

    I think the folks that are a couple of states from any of the southern oceans, generally are well mannered folks.

  2. I would've done exactly as you did! Good for you for responding the way you did. :)

  3. should have kicked the husband's butt

  4. You were a lot nicer than I would have been. *sigh*

  5. I would have asked him when he said that, is that your stuff? And if he said yes but didnt move.......I would say well buy it or move out of the way. Its not nice to hold up the line. Put it back on him.

  6. You did exactly what I would have done ... and what I do in situations like this (yes, we do have people like that in Europe too, lol)

  7. I know- I thought of a lot of things I should have said after the fact. I was so shocked that he even said anything! My best comeback would have been "no, I went around an abandoned cart." I just don't understand people who feel entitled. Wonder how he'd feel if everyone "saved" their place in line when they first got to the store?

  8. What a jackass. Not only would I have "cut in line", I'd have shoved their cart out of line and tried to run him over with it...jackass. Why wasn't he standing with his cart?

    And yeah...NY accent doesn't surprise me in the least. I got so accustomed to politeness from NC natives (the Yankee transplants were the worst)...I still haven't recovered here yet. I went from *being* a Yankee to disliking them myself haha. But then we were raised with manners, so it has always been a surprise when others have not been.

  9. That's what I mean Kat- it isn't so much about WHERE you were raised than HOW. If that had been me (and I've dashed off for that forgotten item before) I'd have been apologizing profusely. But then, I'm the one who lets people with one or two things go in front of me when I have a cart full!

  10. I do that too. Nobody does it for me (here). So, I figure little kindnesses go unnoticed mostly. But I know.

  11. There must be a A LOT of people here who weren't raised right then! lol. And "I" wasn't raised right, yet I know how to be kind and polite.

  12. This upstate New Yorkers concurs. I deal with it everyday. It is hard to be polite and courteous here, but it is how I was raised.

  13. Imma Jersey girl and most of us dont like New Yawkers lol. But I agree, while we all have attitude out there , its how you were raised that matters. Cant say all people from the east are pushy and ugly and rude.

  14. Some people are just rude and those people were THEM. One of the reason why I hate Home Depot and WalMart. People act like they are the only people in the store, block aisles, and pull this kind of stuff. You were totally in the right to do what you did.

  15. Yep, me too! That was just plain rude, on both the woman and her husband's part!
