Monday, May 17, 2010

Said goodbye to the boy today- a year in Iraq is a long time. Pray for Chris that this will help him mature, that he will be safe, and that he'll come home ready to take on the world!


  1. Chris is your son ? No matter who's son, he is someone's and being a Mother of a Soldier myself I pray that this young man will walk through the fire and return on the other side safely back into his family home once again !!!! GOD Bless him keep all Soldiers safe !!!

  2. My best wishes and thanks for serving us.

  3. Wow, you are BOTH in my thoughts, Janeen! *whew*

  4. Awwwww I understand. Hugs for mom and prayers for the son, always.

  5. I am praying for spiritual as well as physical safety..and that his mom survives this as well. :P

  6. Thanks Sue...

    Pretty, he's my son.. Actually my step-son but I raised him. He even stayed with me when his father left. So he's my son!

    Thanks Scott.

    Guy, I'll let him know. He's pretty proud to serve his country!

    Thanks Kippy. I'm pretty calm about it, which usually means it is the right thing.

    Thanks for the hugs, Sea.

  7. Hey Steve- you snuck in there on me. Thanks for the prayers- I hope this will nudge him down the road spiritually. At 21, he doesn't take it too seriously. I suppose I didn't really either at that age, though.

  8. Sometimes something like this will open a kid's eyes. The world can either lure him or show him how much he needs God. Know what I mean? At his age is when that battle was the strongest and I decided that I needed God.

  9. it's never easy to let them go, even when you know the experience will mature and change them.... God Bless him and we will keep him and all our soldiers in our prayers.....

  10. Hugs and prayers for both of you Janeen.

  11. Prayers go out to him from me, too, for his physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being! My son was in the Marines for 4 years (actually a bit longer), and before he shipped out, I asked my Buddhist teacher (who was in the USA doing teachings at that time), to please say prayers for my son, and do a blessing on him. He very kindly took the time from his busy schedule to do so, and then told me, afterward, that my son would be fine, which he was. No matter what your religion or belief system is, prayers work, whether the person you are praying for knows about it or not. It's in the form of energy, and energy can go anywhere. Best of Luck to him! May all be auspicious ~

  12. Thanks Kenne- please say a little prayer this weekend- they will fly out on Friday to a close-by country then be in Iraq by Sunday. We don't get good details for security reasons.
