Sunday, May 9, 2010

My Totally On-the-Go Weekend

I am too tired for pictures. I was actually too tired to remember the camera this afternoon, although I told myself I needed to get it out. This weekend has been a whirlwind!

One of the largest sub-divisions in town had their annual yard sale this weekend. It is usually a great place to get some high quality things for yard sale prices. So I made plans to go over to a friend's house (who lives in the neighborhood) to go shopping.

We spent two hours Friday night at the 'homeowners only' sale. I spend $10 on a new (still in the box) kitchen faucet. I was looking for a patio table and chairs but none caught my interest.

This friend has a heated pool and hot tub and we never head out over there without packing a swimsuit. Savannah wanted to get in so she played with their kids while we sat by the outdoor fireplace and had coffee with Bailey's. She ended up wanting to spend the night and, since I was planning to come back for the "real" yard sale in the morning, that worked out well.

Saturday morning I was back out at 7am but it seems like people got to the things I wanted before I did. I saw a couple of things I'd have loved to had but they were already sold. Oh well, then it wasn't meant to be. My friends said that Savannah could keep playing while I went home and got things done.

So I came home in time for a friend's brother to come by and help cut my grass. I started laundry, cleaned out the garage, and headed out for the grocery story. Started at Aldi (which is the cheapest but doesn't always have everything), then went to Wal-Mart, Dollar General, and Food Lion (which is the regional grocery store chain of choice around here.) I probably spent $200! It has been a long time since both boys have been around with their friends and I forgot how much they eat!

I went back to get Savannah about 5 and ended up staying until 10! I got in the hot tub, which was wonderful since I was so tired. Then I didn't want to get out!

This morning I did my usual church gig and then came home to cook lunch for my mom and step-dad. My brother and his two kids came too. Then Chris invited his mom and her entire family over for a  cookout for supper.  He leaves for Iraq on May 17, so this is his goodbye party. That's another reason I spent so much money at the grocery store! We probably fed 30 people this afternoon!

We did have a good time. All the kids and teens ended up in the pool. The adults were not that crazy, since the high today didn't get out of the 60's and the pool water was a warm 75! The kids didn't seem to feel it, though. Chris was in charge of the grill which helped me a bunch. And he says he is cleaning up, so that's even better! I had a great chat with Kat earlier. That's fun because you can say more that way than you can in a blog, even. It is good to catch up too.

I'm just ready to go to bed now. I check in with you tomorrow! (Promise Dai- just no more toilet mop stories!)


  1. lol..... that's alot for one weekend! happy mother's day... ;-)

  2. I am glad you had fun. It is good for you to have some fun.

  3. Thanks! It was good to have some fun in amidst the craziness. And it is fun to see the kids all here with their friends. The college crowd is wandering back home so all their old high school buddies are here. There's some sort of card game going on the basement right now. I have missed having these boys around!

  4. You being the good Mom you are, means that you miss your kids when they are not around. Even your kids friends.

  5. hahaha I am laughing here. Interesting blog Janeen. We have Aldi and Walmart in Bournemouth too. See you tomorrow. Dai

  6. Wow, what a weekend! Sounds wonderful!

  7. It seems like you got a LOT accomplished. Are you always this way???

    I am looking forward to getting to know you!!!


    hugs from China

  8. I remember days like those...and miss them. When they revolved around the kids it was a good time.

    I've never been in a hot tub! My cousins have one...maybe if I looked better in a bathing suit I'd give it a shot. Right now I might be harpooned.

    I used to shop almost exclusively at Food Lion when I lived there. I was thrilled to see they are as far north as Baltimore. Erin shopped there too when he lived in MD. Not here yet tho...I about died when The Fresh Market opened up here in Latham. Still too far to shop on a regular basis though.

    It was good chatting!! We say the same things at the same time haha. hugs

  9. Sounds like a wonderful weekend and boy, it's been ages since I've heard anyone speak of "Food Lion"!

    Happy 'late' Mothers Day!

  10. Busy lady .. only one part I can't comprehend. Too tired to remember a camera?? Huh?


  11. Thanks Scott- that is sweet to say, but I wouldn't know how to be any other way.

    It was busy Iggy, but wonderful . Not much of it was about "me' but it was about being a Mom!

    It was really a great weekend, Susan. I'd like to have a calmer weekend sometime, though.

    Ha Dai- no mop stories! I wasn't sure how global Aldi was! I know Food Lion is regional, so I wanted to explain what stores they were in case people didn't know.

    Thanks Riete! :-)

    Susan, I'm looking forward to getting to know you, too! Like I didn't know you were back in China. Or maybe you're still there? I thought I saw somewhere that you were home. And I'd like to say no, it isn't always like this, but it sure seems to be the norm right now. Actually, there are 3 nights this week with nothing on the calendar, and that is going to be lovely!

    Kat, the chat was great! Especially when we kept typing the same things! We're just so tuned in to each other! And a hot tub is better than the pool because the bubbles hide the fat once you get in! Ha!

    Thanks Lisa! Happy late Mother's Day to you, too! Did you get to see or talk to the kids yesterday?

    I know Kippy, you would leave your head before you left the camera! I just had so many lists of things going on that I kept telling myself to get the camera, and self kept getting sidetracked!

    Glad to help, Steve!
