Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Ten Thoughts for a Wintry Tuesday

1. What's up with the weather? We were in the pool on Easter Sunday- had the earliest 90 degree day ever- now it hasn't been out of the 60's this week!

2. The weather's gone to the dogs- ok, not really. This is Roxy. She strayed into my mother's yard 2 weeks ago and set up residence. Since there's not usually many people around at mom's she took the chance to move in at our house. She appears to be a full blooded red heeler. I want to see if she has an owner before we get too attached, though. (Although that's too late for Savannah, I'm afraid.) I have been looking at "lost" posters but I don't want to put up a "found" one. Someone who knows what this dog is worth might claim her when it isn't theirs. I did post a notice on facebook and haven't heard a word. I'll take her by the vet at the end of the week and see if she has a chip.

3. Didn't I say I didn't want another dog yet?

4. I also didn't intend to play church softball right now with things going on around the clock around here. But they called begging last night- you have to have 3 women on your team to play and they only had one. So I went. Didn't do too badly- got two hits and played a mean 2nd base!

5. The boy got his plane tickets today. He leaves for Houston on Monday morning at 7:45am. He'll be there 3-10 days and then board a plane to Iraq. He's really excited. I'm excited for him although I'm trying not to really think about it yet.

6. I'm not directing community chorus this go-round (we share duties because the work for one performance is enormous! Everyone needs a break after that. But I did fill in for the director tonight. I miss it but not with everything else going on!

7. A friend of mine got hurt Sunday playing softball. Took a bad hop at shortstop and tried to catch the ball with her face- to the tune of 25 stitches. Pray for Molly, will you? (And pray that her husband, Jim, will let her play again sometime!)

8. Kippy was talking about glasses today. I took the girl to the eye doctor and she needs a pair. We spent an hour picking out just the right frames and lenses. She is totally excited, and a little mad that she has to wait a week to get them! (And Kippy, I promise- no picking on her!)

9. Susan posted ten thoughts that included how thankful she was for her friends here. Susan, I'm thankful for you, too.

10. If you haven't joined my Bible study and want to check it out, go here. I try to keep it updated every day, but end up missing a day or two here and there.

That's 10- and I'm done for the day. Check in with you folks tomorrow!


  1. #7 - OUCH!!! 25 stitches!! I'm wincing here just imagining it.

    You have such a busy life Janeen, I don't know how you manage it all!

  2. Crazy- picture didn't post. Let me try again!

  3. Sue, it has been too busy lately. I'm ready for vacation!

  4. A couple of folks have had problems with that lately ~ I just put all mine in Photobucket and embed them from there.

  5. Got it to work on the second time. I need to try the photobucket thing. I can't create an album here for some reason. The pictures never load.

  6. Oh!!!!

    I am so excited!!

    You direct community chorus!! I am a music teacher!!!


  7. Roxy is adoooorable! :) Iraq is scary! Yowch! I hope Molly heals quickly. Ha. I'm glad to hear you won't pick on your daughter with her glasses. I wouldn't have expected you to! Hehe.

  8. I thought everyone made fun of everyone who gets glasses. I know I sure heard enough jokes at work when I first got mine.

  9. My softball league starts tomorrow night. Want to wager as to who will have the better batting average at the end of the season? You already have a good start.

  10. That is so neat! I have a music ed degree and taught high school band. Now it is more of a hobby- which suits me just fine!

  11. Roxy is really sweet. She is only going to get on my nerves "collecting" things. Yesterday, she had a pile of "treasures" in the front yard!

  12. Luckily, two of her friends already have glasses. They'll just welcome her to the club.

  13. Sure, you're on! I think I have a .500!

  14. Wintery and 60? hahahaha! You're soooo funny!

    I was going to comment that Roxy is a blue heeler. Very smart dogs. Our trainer at my store owns two of them and omg...SO smart. They need socialization with people and other dogs REALLY bad though...if not, they can be VERY aggressive. Just an FYI. If no one claims her, please get her into some training classes! She'll be the best dog EVER!

  15. *laugh* If that's the WORST thing a dog ever does...? Doesn't take much to get on your nerves, huh? :)

    Besides, probably just means she loves you and is comfy with you. :)

  16. No, it is just the only thing I've seen her do so far that I don't like. Savannah has her a gazillion toys and she has made a stash for them in the garage. What she collected in the yard was trash- from inside the garage! Maybe she's trying to tell me something.... like "clean my house please!"

  17. *laughing* That's pretty funny. I wish I could get inside their heads sometimes.

  18. She is very social with other people. I had 25 people over Sunday and she was making the rounds! I haven't seen her yet with other dogs, though. She can sit, shake, and roll over so someone has worked with her already.

    She was cute this morning. I went out and gave her a pat, but apparently not long enough. She ran in front of me and rolled over, right in the way!

  19. You could post a "found dog" poster and give no details except the general area where it was found and your number. Let those who call describe the dog.....the real owner would be spot on.

  20. Well I took her to the vet today. He is the best in town and the most popular. Of all the 'lost' posters, not one of them was close to her.

    She is a red heeler- about 2 years old at his guess. She's about 10 lbs underweight so he thinks that whoever she belonged to, she wasn't well taken care of. Plus, he said that as close as she has hung around here, if she was happy where she was, she wouldn't have strayed. Plus, no chip.

    So I went ahead and had them give her all the shots she should have plus heartworm and flea preventative. He said "congratulations, you have an awesome dog." Apparently, this breed is really super-smart and very sweet. So we have a new family member!

  21. Red healers are good dogs, not quite as hyper as their blue counterparts that I have been around. Don't expect her to just lie around all the time. If she is like most I have seen, she should be VERY LOYAL and even some what protective of you and your household.

    Congratulation on the newest member of your family.

  22. Thanks Scott. That's what the vet said- that she'd be very protective but sweet. And that she does need work to do. Right now, she thinks her job is piling up things she finds in the garage and the yard. I see she is going to keep us busy making sure we pick up after ourselves!

  23. Get her a basket, show her to put the things in the basket, she will fill it up. Instead of piling it up.

  24. Yay! Awesome. :) Sounds like a great new family member .. so long as she leaves the stuff in your garage alone. ;)

  25. Well...I remember reading this but I don't see that I commented. Coulda sworn I did. *sigh* So I see Red Heeler...but is that the same as Australian Cattle dog? I have to google this. Did you keep her or did your mom??

  26. I kept her. Mom isn't home enough to warrant an animal. She's totally sweet, though. Her biggest fault is that she collects things. Puts anything she can find in a pile in the yard. Including all the 'toys' from her basket. Good thing they're supposed to be smart dogs, so maybe I can teach her to put everything back in the basket!

  27. Oh good. Does she sleep with Savannah?
