Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Thoughts for a Wednesday

I don't think I had ten thoughts yesterday. Mostly I was thinking "ouch!" I finally broke down and went to the chiropractor this week. My hip has been hurting for about 2 months and just didn't seem to get any better. Of course, I'm all out of whack! Apparently one hip is higher than the other and I have a bulging lumbar disc. Good news- it is fixable!

And fix she did. This little NASA invention went to doing its rat-a-tat-tat on my spine. Then I got my electro-shock therapy. Ok, that's probably not what they call it but they hooked up these electrodes and sent little shocks through my back. It felt so good at the time! But not today- today it hurts worse than ever. I go back tomorrow so maybe it will feel a little better after that.

My other thought yesterday would have been about Chris. He's still in Houston- taking some refresher classes to make sure his certs will be good for the next year. They leave on Friday and will be in Iraq by Sunday. I'm more worried about him traveling there than I am with him being there. I don't know if that makes sense but any sort of travel there is dangerous. I'll be glad when he is "safe" on the base.

So yes, just like I suspected, that's all the thoughts I have. That and in 2 1/2 weeks we'll be at the beach! I haven't been in 4 years so I'm totally ready!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

The Right Thing

Can you believe this? I went to Lowe's today to get some plants. Of course the garden center only had one register open, with about 4 people in line. There was a lady heading to the line right in front of me with a few things in her buggy. She parks it in line and walks off.

Ok, now I've done that- forgot that one thing that I can grab really fast and be right back. Only she wasn't right back. So I had a dilemma- go around her or wait. Well, you know me, I'll be patient and just wait. So I did- waited until the guy in front of her was paying for his things and she still wasn't back! Now you have to think, that was 3 people who had made their purchases. She didn't go after one "quick" thing.

So, I pull around her and, just as I was pulling up to the counter, her husband (who I hadn't seen yet) says, in a big voice that didn't sound friendly, "so, you cut in line in front of me, huh?" I was taken aback, but found enough indignancy to quip back "yes- yes I did" and continue with my order.

What gets into some people? They thought they could just keep shopping but save their place in line, I suppose. I hesitate to point out that they had New York accents, although I know Kat will agree with me when I say that, generally, people in the South don't act like that. Generalities, I know- because I have some awesome friends who were raised in upstate New York. And I was raised right here with some people who may be sitting in your yard with a shotgun if you made them mad. So it isn't totally about where you were raised, but how.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Electric Company - Sign Song

Jeff reminded me of this song with a picture he posted today. It is so fun to go back to childhood and pull up memories like this! Thank you, internet!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Ten Thoughts for a Wintry Tuesday

1. What's up with the weather? We were in the pool on Easter Sunday- had the earliest 90 degree day ever- now it hasn't been out of the 60's this week!

2. The weather's gone to the dogs- ok, not really. This is Roxy. She strayed into my mother's yard 2 weeks ago and set up residence. Since there's not usually many people around at mom's she took the chance to move in at our house. She appears to be a full blooded red heeler. I want to see if she has an owner before we get too attached, though. (Although that's too late for Savannah, I'm afraid.) I have been looking at "lost" posters but I don't want to put up a "found" one. Someone who knows what this dog is worth might claim her when it isn't theirs. I did post a notice on facebook and haven't heard a word. I'll take her by the vet at the end of the week and see if she has a chip.

3. Didn't I say I didn't want another dog yet?

4. I also didn't intend to play church softball right now with things going on around the clock around here. But they called begging last night- you have to have 3 women on your team to play and they only had one. So I went. Didn't do too badly- got two hits and played a mean 2nd base!

5. The boy got his plane tickets today. He leaves for Houston on Monday morning at 7:45am. He'll be there 3-10 days and then board a plane to Iraq. He's really excited. I'm excited for him although I'm trying not to really think about it yet.

6. I'm not directing community chorus this go-round (we share duties because the work for one performance is enormous! Everyone needs a break after that. But I did fill in for the director tonight. I miss it but not with everything else going on!

7. A friend of mine got hurt Sunday playing softball. Took a bad hop at shortstop and tried to catch the ball with her face- to the tune of 25 stitches. Pray for Molly, will you? (And pray that her husband, Jim, will let her play again sometime!)

8. Kippy was talking about glasses today. I took the girl to the eye doctor and she needs a pair. We spent an hour picking out just the right frames and lenses. She is totally excited, and a little mad that she has to wait a week to get them! (And Kippy, I promise- no picking on her!)

9. Susan posted ten thoughts that included how thankful she was for her friends here. Susan, I'm thankful for you, too.

10. If you haven't joined my Bible study and want to check it out, go here. I try to keep it updated every day, but end up missing a day or two here and there.

That's 10- and I'm done for the day. Check in with you folks tomorrow!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

My Totally On-the-Go Weekend

I am too tired for pictures. I was actually too tired to remember the camera this afternoon, although I told myself I needed to get it out. This weekend has been a whirlwind!

One of the largest sub-divisions in town had their annual yard sale this weekend. It is usually a great place to get some high quality things for yard sale prices. So I made plans to go over to a friend's house (who lives in the neighborhood) to go shopping.

We spent two hours Friday night at the 'homeowners only' sale. I spend $10 on a new (still in the box) kitchen faucet. I was looking for a patio table and chairs but none caught my interest.

This friend has a heated pool and hot tub and we never head out over there without packing a swimsuit. Savannah wanted to get in so she played with their kids while we sat by the outdoor fireplace and had coffee with Bailey's. She ended up wanting to spend the night and, since I was planning to come back for the "real" yard sale in the morning, that worked out well.

Saturday morning I was back out at 7am but it seems like people got to the things I wanted before I did. I saw a couple of things I'd have loved to had but they were already sold. Oh well, then it wasn't meant to be. My friends said that Savannah could keep playing while I went home and got things done.

So I came home in time for a friend's brother to come by and help cut my grass. I started laundry, cleaned out the garage, and headed out for the grocery story. Started at Aldi (which is the cheapest but doesn't always have everything), then went to Wal-Mart, Dollar General, and Food Lion (which is the regional grocery store chain of choice around here.) I probably spent $200! It has been a long time since both boys have been around with their friends and I forgot how much they eat!

I went back to get Savannah about 5 and ended up staying until 10! I got in the hot tub, which was wonderful since I was so tired. Then I didn't want to get out!

This morning I did my usual church gig and then came home to cook lunch for my mom and step-dad. My brother and his two kids came too. Then Chris invited his mom and her entire family over for a  cookout for supper.  He leaves for Iraq on May 17, so this is his goodbye party. That's another reason I spent so much money at the grocery store! We probably fed 30 people this afternoon!

We did have a good time. All the kids and teens ended up in the pool. The adults were not that crazy, since the high today didn't get out of the 60's and the pool water was a warm 75! The kids didn't seem to feel it, though. Chris was in charge of the grill which helped me a bunch. And he says he is cleaning up, so that's even better! I had a great chat with Kat earlier. That's fun because you can say more that way than you can in a blog, even. It is good to catch up too.

I'm just ready to go to bed now. I check in with you tomorrow! (Promise Dai- just no more toilet mop stories!)

Monday, May 3, 2010

We Could Learn a Lot from These Two

In this latest installment of CBS News Assignment America, Steve Hartman visits an animal sanctuary where a dog and an elephant have formed a very lasting, and unusual, friendship.