Monday, June 1, 2009

Quiche and the Real Man- Thanks, Cherei!

Well, I made Cherei's quiche for dinner tonight. Scott's a trooper- he is becoming my guinea pig on several dishes. But it was a hit- he loved it! I took Cherei's recipe- find it here- and used what I had- tomatoes, mushrooms, spinach, bacon, and cheese. I highly recommend this to anyone who wants a healthy dinner!


  1. What are you trying to do to me Janeen? Well anyway, back to my lentil soup and boiled rice

  2. LMAO!!! Now.. do I get to say.. " I TOLD YA.. YOU"D LOVE IT!!!" Real men DO eat quiche! In fact.. they LOVE IT! Hope you have some leftover for breakfast?? My leftovers never make it a full day! lol

  3. It looks great but I can promise you no one in my house (except me) would eat it. *sigh*

  4. This dish sounds great...I just got home from Jonny Carino's (Italian restaurant) because we had our monthly family dinner.

  5. I'd mail you some Tony, but I don't know how it would be by the time it got there!

  6. I sent the other one home with Scott- I'll go over there for lunch tomorrow (he lives less than a mile from where I work) and snag a piece. He and his roommate better save me one!

  7. You might be surprised... teenage boys will eat anything sometimes!

  8. Ian would try it, maybe. Laz? Mr. I only eat chicken nuggets and bologna sandwiches? *sigh* I need to break Laz out of that pickiness.

  9. I wonder what makes kids so picky sometimes? Savannah ate cereal because she "thought" she wouldn't like it. When I made her try a bite, she went and got her own piece.

  10. I've tried that with Laz. He's more stubborn than a cat or a mule.

  11. Sorry Steve- we ate the last of it!

  12. Now that's an interesting recipe! I never would have thought to put Knorr soup into it. I love quiche, so do the boys. So this will be on my list!

    I usually use pizza dough as the crust for quiches. It gives it a little more oomph (and bread LOL)

  13. That's the secret ingredient.. that makes it SO good!
