Monday, June 8, 2009

Ok Kathy - we're twins now!


  1. Well.. this sure isn't a NEW posting.. dang multiply glitches! lol

  2. Too lazy to find your guestbook!! lol

  3. I came right over to see what we did!!! First thing I thought is "hooo boy she deleted her Admin account too" hahaha

  4. lmao!!!!!!!!!!! I just posted a funny for momma..

    Sometimes I'll bury them in OLD postings.. just to be a brat!

  5. where Cherei? I tried to hop over to your page to see, but it's locked up tight over there LOL. She's probably going to laugh that we're commenting months late.

  6. Oh...and I meant to ask you if you've heard ANYTHING from ZB??? I sent him an email a while back to say I was thinking of him and he answered something like "been busy. sorry about that". Maybe it's just me?

  7. I've heard NOTHING from ZB. I figured.. he's quit blogging completely. I kind of know what happened.. and the minute he thought it would impact his REAL life.. he quit blogging. That's why I keep my page locked down. It was sad.. what happened.. I locked mine down.. the minute he sent me a long PM telling me what was going on.. I'll never open it up either...

  8. LOL- I think this post was from when we were both using that flower picture of Susan's as our background.

    And I don't know what happened to ZB- but I wish he'd come back!

  9. I think.. he's getting on with life! In the real world. I waited a very long time.. Just gave up.. Last time I deleted a bunch.. ZB went too. He's a good man! I hope he does well.

  10. Cherei...I sent you a PM last night...maybe you can't receive them from non-friends??

  11. maybe not.. I wouldn't worry bout' it. I have nothing more to say about the matter.
