Thursday, June 11, 2009

Fifteen Books on My Shelf

books Pictures, Images and Photos
Cherei listed the top 15 books she just  has to have on her shelves at home. Got me looking at the shelves and seeing what I wouldn't dare part with. Ok, all of them!  I really love having books around. I'll try to come up with just 15.

1. The Bible. Actually, I have two that I like the most, but there are probably 8 here somewhere!

2. Cookbooks. I'll group all of these together, but you can't have my Better Homes and Gardens one! The others I might lend you.

3. Savannah by Eugenia Price. This book is the whole reason Savannah has her name. Great book, great city, great name!

4. The Best Loved Poems of The America People. This was my grandmother's book. She even has things taped inside the cover, things written on the blank pages, etc. It also has wonderful poems like Casey at the Bat, St. Peter at the Gate, the Old Oaken Bucket... poems that take me back to childhood.

5. Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert. I've read this book several times. It has a healing aura around it.

6. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. The best romance story of all times according to me!

7. Mr. Darcy's Diary by Amanda Grange. See #6- this is just from the other point of view!

8. My high school annuals. Since I've found so many people on Facebook, I keep having to look back to remind me who they are!

9. Anything by Karen Kingsbury. She writes awesome books!

10. 1776 by David McCullough. I wish I owned his John Adams book, too. I love history!

11. My Twilight books. I don't think I've ever read 4 books that quickly!

12. (This should be up at the top of the list) The book my grandma wrote for me when she was in her 80's- all about her growing up and the family and life.

13. Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy. I haven't read it yet, but it looks impressive sitting on my shelf! All 800 pages worth!

14. Gone With the Wind. I have read this one- all 1000 pages. And seen the movie more times than I can count!

15. Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand. Probably the biggest book I've ever read (at 1200 pages) but it sure doesn't feel like it. You want a good look at the direction this country is going in, read this 60 year old book!

And there you have it- I could keep going and going, but I'll stop boring you to death. Now, what's on your shelf?


  1. Ill have to do a blog called 1500 books on my shelves lol

  2. Well I grouped some in together... and I could have kept going!

  3. We have similar tastes in books...this is a good one, I'll do a blog (if I can concentrate enough to do it).

    I just finished book 3...I'm still on the werewolve's side. LOL. Imagine that!

  4. good god. 1000 pages (gone with the wind)? that must have taken forever to read.

  5. Funny, but some of the smaller books seemed like they took longer than the long books! The longer books are interesting and captivating- probably a lot like reading the entire Twilight series in 5 days!

  6. Oh my goodness--I love this list! I so agree about Atlas Shrugged. Anything Jane Austen.....and I have read some of the Pemberly Chronicles, but not Mr. Darcy's Diary--I will add that to my list! I have quiet of few of the same books. My very fav is my Bible........and Paula Deen is one of my fav chefs--I am not sure she would classify herself that way. LOL Thanks for sharing these!

  7. I can go along with ALL of your choices - except "Twilight" - done too much reading about vampires and vampirism to buy into ANYTHING that makes it appear romantic.

  8. I've done this one... but I'll have to do another one with my electronic book collection. I love the fact that I can download books from the Gutenburg Project to my iTouch. What a great little invention. That's just VERY handy. I've been reading a lot on it, everything from Thomas Paine to Ambrose Bierce to Sir Arthur Conan Doyle to Shakespeare. Very handy. (And I even found the KJV for it, too!) What's best is that the application to download the books and the books are all free. YAY!

  9. I was a real skeptic at first- but when one of the teens (who hates to read) couldn't put it down I had to check it out!

  10. lol.. omg.. I didn't think to include cookbooks.. or books written by family members! lol. Well.. maybe one was listed in my list.. giggle!

  11. What's funny.. the two books you haven't read.. I had to read.. in high school! lol REQUIRED reading for us.

  12. Was Anna Karenina good? I keep meaning to start it but can't seem to get a full head of steam to jump into it?

  13. I've never read it due to the fact that my Russian co-worker says that all Russian authors are just terribly boring. lol! He does like to read espionage novels in Russian, though. lol.

  14. The biggest problem I have with Russian novels are the characters with 15 letter names that all start and end with the same 3 letters. I have no idea sometimes who is doing what! War and Peace was that way- never got past the first couple of chapters because it was a hard read!

  15. I never bothered with them. I've got so many books to read. My favorite so far has been German Lyrics, a collection of famous German poets and it's in old German, so it's really not all that hard for me to read. (I read old German easier than modern German.)

  16. Actually.. it was good. A total love story.. with so much tragedy.. almost Shakespearean! lol

  17. Wow I need to check out some of these books you reccomend! Thanks Im glad I mosied onto your page! x

  18. I thought it was good... but it's been about 25 years since I've read it.
