Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Ten Thought Tuesday- The Veteran's Edition

1. I talked to my son, who is at Goodfellow Air Force Base (but he's army) today. They were getting ready for a big cookout!

2. Scott has been here for two days helping out with a sick girl. I don't know what I'd do without him. (I don't really want to find out!)

3. He is going to see his sister in Chapel Hill tomorrow and do some business there. He won't be back until Friday, then he and Savannah are heading off to SC with the youth group for a retreat. So I really won't see much of him the rest of the week.

4. Savannah's 12th birthday is Saturday- and I won't see her because she'll be at that retreat.

5. I've never not spent her birthday with her.

6. At least she will be having fun- and then we'll have her party the next weekend.

7. Doing the audio replys to Sabrina's blog last night was fun! Even got the kids involved. We'll have to figure out how they can "talk" to each other! Kinda different than having pen pals when we were kids!

8. I painted my bathroom off of the kitchen today. Lowe's didn't quite match the color and I had to do two coats. But as soon as I get the new towel rod and toilet paper holder up it will be just like new!

9. I wish I could go play in Abby's closet. There's nothing to wear in mine.

10. Didn't I do good? Only two thoughts were about Scott! He might be gone but he's still my alarm clock- and we've started praying, too- that is going to be a fabulous addition!


  1. C'mon over. I'll let you play in the closet. I don't have anything to wear either.

  2. Ditto say thanks to your son - and thank you for supporting him being in service. Scott goes to church ... that is good!

  3. very nice thoughts Janeen. I wish I had some. hugs.

  4. Yes, thank you, Christopher.

    Pen pals with a new technologically new twist is pretty cool, I know my kids will enjoy it very much!

    So even though just two thoughs were of Scott, I bet he was somehow in the background on all of them...

  5. When you talk to your son tell him this old Vietnam Vets says hello...and Thank You for his service to his country.

  6. Scott goes before the Board of Ordained Ministers next month to receive candidacy in the Methodist church. I think I'll put him on the prayer list- he has 3 years of seminary ahead of him!

    And he is one of the youth leaders at our church. He's a good guy.

  7. I'll tell Chris you all said thanks- I know he will appreciate it!

  8. Will keep Scott in my prayers for his candidacy into the Methodist Church. pat him on the back and tell him "good luck" from all of us.
