Monday, November 17, 2008

I'm Addicted to this Show

If you know me at all, you'll know I don't watch much TV. But Scott got me hooked on this new show- well, it is in its second season, but NBC has full episodes that you can watch online of the first season. I have watched every episode! I enjoy the wit of these writers and the twists that the story line takes each week. There is an ongoing story, in that Charlie is trying to figure out who framed him for murder and why. You'll recognize Alan Arkin, but the rest of the cast was unknown, at least to me. It is on Wednesday nights at 9pm and is the quirkiest cop show I've ever seen! Just watch this trailer and you'll see what I mean!


  1. You know it is if I'm watching it!

  2. It's gotta be... and I rarely EVER watch TV!

  3. This is a GREAT show. I'm also liking another quirky-detective show called The Mentalist. Here, the lead detective was a former psychic con artist who claimed to help the police solve crimes. He gave out information, supposedly gleaned psychically, about a serial killer known as Red John. In retaliation, Red John killed his family. Five years later, he is helping the CBI solve crimes using his mentalist skills, all the while assuring people that nothing he does is psychic (not everyone believes him).

    If you like Life, I think you'll like The Mentalist.

  4. They always put the good stuff on during prayer meeting!

  5. I'm lucky- we get home from church on Wednesdays in time to watch this. Of course, you can see full episodes on, so it isn't a big deal if I miss one.

  6. We pray for an hour and a half and then hang around to chat. I can hardly make a dash for the door, but yeah, I will have to catch it on


  7. Lucky you owns one- I don't! Hey, that would be something great you could get me for Christmas! Ha!
