Friday, November 14, 2008

Inspired by Abby- The Fridge

Ok, I have an hour to kill before going to Brandon's basketball game. Scott and Savannah have gone to SC with the youth group and won't be back until Sunday (yes, I'm missing her birthday with her!) and I'm bored. So I'm posting pictures!

This is the front of the fridge. You can see a silhouette that Savannah did in class along with a picture of her that is a couple of years old. On the other door are some bills that need to be paid and the bulletin from my cousin's funeral.

Here's the side view- I think that peppermint frame used to be around the picture that is on the front of the fridge. Also you'll see an '06 Nascar race schedule, a snowflake, an Upward basketball sticker from, I think, 3 years ago. And the ticket thingy is a reentry ticket for a movie that we had to wait an hour before it started. I think it is 2 or 3 years old, too- wonder if they'd honor it? Can you tell we don't take too much off of the fridge?

And here's the top- this is where people put things when they don't want to put them in their right places. The basket is full of junk- mostly things like scissors, paper, lighters, ribbons, coupons... who really knows?


  1. Storing lighters in a wicker laundry basket . . . ?

  2. Hey, we store ours in a Rush Limbaugh coffee mug!

    I like your fridge. It looks like home to me!

  3. Around here, you never know what you're going to find in that basket. Hang on I'll give you a short inventory....

    yellow caution tape
    a book
    an oven mitt (that's why I can't find them!)
    a new toothbrush
    a picture frame
    yep, there's a lighter
    a bungee cord
    a screwdriver

    and much more!

  4. Holy cow! I need a laundry basket so I don't have to use old Easter baskets anymore! We have keys to stuff that we're not sure what they belong to, too! lol!

  5. I have a ring like that, too! I wonder what those keys are to?

  6. I dunno. Some of the keys we have look like they belong to luggage... or padlocks... Some are old car keys... to cars that are now crushed in a junk yard... some are old apartment keys and mailbox keys... *sigh* And some others? NO clue. I've had some keys for 20 years and so has Art. We can't remember anymore.

  7. I have a hard time throwing them away, though- like I need to keep them in case there is something I can't open! (Why is that- it doesn't really even make any sense!)

  8. Not really. We're just pack rats. You don't even want to see photos of our two storage rooms, much less the shed. I keep telling Art we need to rent a dumpster.

  9. I keep threatening to build a storage building. I know, it would just collect more junk!

  10. That's what would happen if we had a garage. It would be so full of junk that a car wouldn't fit. *sigh*

  11. My garage is all nice and clean right now- but it won't stay that way.

  12. I need to clean the whole house. Payge wants to come over for Thanksgiving... which means I REALLY have to clean the whole house. *sigh*

  13. LOL...I remember having a house full of kids and a fridge full of papers and reminders. I don't own a fridge magnet anymore...thank heaven those days are over!!!

  14. I'd hate to show you mine. Maybe I will later.

  15. It is fun to see- I bet you can learn a lot about someone from what is on their fridge!

  16. ... and that I don't clean off the fridge very often!

  17. I clean ours once, maybe twice a year. When I can't find stuff is when I start to clean it.
