Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Ten Thought Tuesday- The Thanksgiving Edition

Dave and Sabrina had a great idea so of course I'm stealing it! Here's my list of ten things I'm thankful for:

1) My kids. They stuck by me when they could have left with their dad. They kept our family intact and love me unconditionally. (If you don't know, the boys are my step-sons- so that's why I'm doubly grateful.)

2) Scott. He came into my life at a time that I never thought I'd trust another man. He taught me what I should expect someone to treat me like- showed me that there are good people in the world, and that someone can love me for who I am.

3) God. He has surrounded me with love, saved me from myself, offered His grace.

4) My job. It doesn't pay much but I can do what I love, and that is worth more than money. I also get out in time to get home before the kids get home from school. That is worth a lot, too!

5) My mother. She made me a promise when the ex left, that we would be ok financially. She has given me more of my inheritance than I probably deserve, but she says she likes using it when it fills a need, not after she's dead!

6) Music. I am blessed to have the gift to perform it and enjoy listening to it.

7) My friends. And include many of you in this as well- I'm thankful to have people who are there to listen when I need to vent, who understand me and like me for who I am.

8) My church. I am blessed to be in a growing, vibrant church where the Lord is doing great things. Like Dave, I attribute that to wonderful outreach.

9) Reliable transportation. And gas prices that have really dropped!

10) Christmas- I love the lights, the smells, the parties, and the spirit that surrounds the season. I love the anticipation of Advent and the magic of the Christ Child.


  1. Great list, Dish - I'm really looking forward to Christmas and the Advent season this year, too - for a variety of reasons...

  2. Dish, I should have included my mother on my list, too, and I'm really sorry I didn't. She has helped me out more times than I can count...I am hoping to be able to do the same for her one day...

  3. Boy, you are blessed, I loved your list, honest and true.

  4. It is our running "joke" that I have to take care of her when she gets old, no matter how mean she gets! Of course I will, and I try to do what I can for her now, too.

  5. Janeen, I'm VERY thankful for you and everything you've done for me since the accident. I love you!

  6. Aw, that's so sweet! That's what family is for!

    And I love you, too!
