Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Ten Thought Tuesday- the Election Edition

1. Scott- my first thoughts are always about Scott! *giggles*

2. I'm SOOOO glad this election will be over today. Hopefully, it won't take two weeks to get the results!

3. Scott and I sat down to do our election research. It is amazing to me how much we think alike- we didn't differ on a single issue- and we're to the point in our relationship where we would have said so if we did.

4. I did vote for 3 democrats- because they were the best people for the job. Isn't that what it's all about anyway?

5. My son voted for the first time in his life! He just turned 18 in August! I'm so proud of him!

6. Scott's mom went home over the weekend. I still don't know her well, but she seems to like me. I know she likes Savannah!

7. Have I said how much I like my alarm clock lately?

8. I've started a new exercise routine- I'm walking Scott's dog in the afternoons. She doesn't really need it, but I do! And its kinda fun!

9. I took my dog to the vet today- $135.00 for a bath, shots, and exam. I don't pay that much for one of the kids. Then they wanted to give me $88 of flea prevention! Forget it!

10. The kids got report cards today- Brandon made the A/B honor roll! Considering how bad his grades were last year, this is awesome! Savannah didn't do so well- that transition to middle school (where you have to be organized and responsible on your own) is tough! Her teachers say she has improved, just couldn't overcome the first few 'learning' weeks!


  1. Awesome!

    Me? I've been doing a LOT of laundry... and Art fixed holes in the walls in the basement.

  2. I need to do laundry- but I got here around 4, went walking with the dog, made supper, and now have to leave the girl at basketball practice and go to community chorus practice. No time!

  3. We were off all day long. I've been doing laundry all day long... now the boys are arguing over who should do the dishes. I don't care... I just want them done and I don't want to have to do the dishes! lol!

  4. I still get a kick out of how you talk about Scott. I can remember when you didn't even want to think about things *chuckles*...I am happy you're happy. xo

  5. This is the first time in a very long time I did not vote a straight ticket...one state representative has been attacking the school district and has been repeatedly sending e-mail blasts AFTER I requested to be taken off her mailing list. She lost my vote as a result of that...

  6. I remember back when I wondered why anyone would ever want a man around!

  7. I was on my way here last night and then at 8pm Multiply shut down and then I got sidetracked with fixing a late supper and watching the election results, and then trying to find some Thanksgiving stuff to put on my page. I didn't know you were seeing someone. I'm glad you've found someone you can be happy with and get along with. I've given up on men and am now married to my cats. lol
    I'm like you, I always vote for the person I think will do the best job. I've voted for Republicans in the past. Sigh, I'm just so glad the election is over so my phone will quit ringing every half hour. Of course the way my luck runs the stupid telemarketers will start up again. lol xoxox

  8. NC unofficial results: Obama over McCain by 11,246 votes.
    Bob Barr's vote total: 25,279.

    Nyah nyah! We spoiled the state for McCain! :^P

  9. Well, it didn't matter for the overall election...I'll admit, in a way I'm glad Obama won. Now, in a couple of years' time, when nothing has changed, I can go back to all of these Obama people who have been annoying me for months and hear how they try to explain it.

  10. Let's just hope nothing has changed for the worse in a couple of years. I don't think the guy has the experience to pull this off- hopefully, he has the sense to surround himself with people more experienced than he. My biggest fear is looking at the people he has surrounded himself with in the past. He has to have better than those!

  11. My prediction is: government will get bigger, government will get more intrusive into our lives, taxes will go up, the debt will go up, the Inflation Tax will continue to eat away savings and lower the value of paychecks, the economy will recover and may even prosper no matter what the President does, more of our civil liberties will be eroded, we'll still have troops in over 100 countries, and people will still have to solve most of their problems on their own.

    And I'd make the same prediction if McCain had been elected.

    Myself, I voted for 4 Libertarians, 2 Democrats, and 3 Republicans, for the same reason as you: they were best for the job. (I actually didn't vote for 1 Libertarian because he was a terrible candidate.)
