Saturday, November 22, 2008

Explain Global Warming to me, please!

It was 15 degrees here this morning! This is the south- only in the coldest day or two of February does it get below 20! This is the third day this week it has been this cold. I brought the dog in - her water bowl is frozen solid, so there is no way she can be out there, especially with her short fur. She does love being in with the people where it is warm.

My sister decided that today would be a good day to roast a pig. Of course, she decided this a month ago, not knowing that it would be an arctic winter in NC before Thanksgiving. But Scott and I are bundling up here in a few minutes to head that way. At least she has added a bonfire to the festivities!

So please, explain the concept of global warming to me... we're setting record low temps around here!


  1. Brrrr - stay warm. My sister-in-law that lives in Gatlinburg, TN emailed about the cold and SNOW. It is kind of early for this cold weather. Where is the global warming to keep us warm?

  2. Well I'm hoping for some explanation on this topic too. I'm totally confused and don't know who or what to believe anymore.

    One thing's for sure. It's been a very cold and wet November here in Perth. Normally it's beach and bbq weather... right now I've got the fire going and am wearing woolens. So much for going for a swim! Go figure.

    The bonfire sounds very festive indeed. Enjoy your day and try to keep warm. :)

  3. 30,000 scientist say that there is no global warming its a farce, the earth is actually cooling, this is supposed to be one of the coldest winters we have had in a long time

  4. Didn't you see The Day After Tomorrow? According to Dennis Quaid (all actors are experts, don't you know?), global warming is supposed to usher in the next ice age.

    Makes perfect sense to me.

  5. Y'all don't seem to understand: all this cold weather is the direct result of global warming. So are hot temeratures. And more hurricanes. And less hurricanes. And more tornados. And less tornados. And more rain. And less rain.

    Everything is caused by global warming.

  6. Whewwww... thank god for that. I was thinking my constantly misplacing my car keys was due to early symptoms of Alzheimer's.

  7. Nope. Too much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

  8. Silly me. And I thought it was all George Bush's fault.

  9. I heard that was George Bush's fault, too.

  10. It could be argued that even they are George Bush's fault.

    Then again, perhaps George Bush is their fault?

  11. That's the general left-wingnut theory.

  12. The "Global Warming" caused by man theory IS a theory. But there IS global warming going on... throughout the solar system. EVERY planet in our solar system is experiencing it. Not just Earth. Wait, I forgot, George Bush controls the thermostat on the Sun (the evil bastich)!

  13. You got the cold temps Jan but do you have the fresh, new fallen white stuff yet? If you don't, I could send you some I have more than enough to share....

  14. I love global warming. The same weather people who predicted "scattered snow flurries" the other day that buried my car under 4 inches of snow - this prediction made the NIGHT BEFORE - are the ones that try to tell me they know what the weather will do 50 years from now.

  15. It's all a lie made up by folks like Al Gore so they can help ruin the economy. *shrugs*

  16. I'd LOVE to have some snow! Send me all you want! It hasn't snowed (more than a dusting that melted within 2 or 3 hours) in about 4 years here. We're due!

  17. Wonder if, one day, Obama will be George Bush's fault, too?

  18. I call it Global Colding. I know there is an explanation....but so far all I see is the colding.

    Pig roasts in sub-zero weather are great. I went to one once in NC and it was SO cold nobody could stay outside longer than a few minutes.

    I am not going to get into the policitcal comments LOL.

  19. You know, in all seriousness, I think an argument can be made for that, too...

  20. I'm going to be an ostrich in the days to come Dave. Maybe if I hide my head in the sand, nothing bad will happen! lmao!

  21. Might work Abby- or at least you won't know about it!

    The BBQ was neat- several bonfires, so we weren't all that cold. We got home around 7, so Scott decided we should have movie night. We watched oldies- The Princess Bride and Arthur. If I'm a little quirkier than normal the next few days, you'll know why. I can't stop saying Inconceivable!

  22. That sounds like a lot of fun, Dish! Nothing wrong with being quirky! lol!

  23. That's probably a smart move, Abby. Me, I'm sure I'll still spout off when the spirit moves...I just have a hard time getting passionate about politics lately - there are other things that seem more important to me.

  24. You keep saying that word. I do not think it means what you think it means...

  25. Between "My name is Arthur Bach" and "My name is Inigo Montoya" I might be more than quirky!

  26. Oh, you know I've got that group... I'll just use it to poke fun at the stupid stuff that the politicians are doing... Sort of the, "Can you believe THIS?" stuff...

    Yeah, I've got more important things to do and think about myself, like real life. *sigh*

  27. Time to focus on the things we 'can' control.

  28. The Princess Bride is one of our all-time favorites. I even read the book. Rachel's cat's name is Buttercup and they have As U Wish on their license plates. I think we can quote that movie verbatum.

    Talk about quirks lmao.

  29. I absolutely adore that movie. What a truly unique fairy tale!

  30. There is a difference between weather and the climate. Global Warming doesn't mean that everywhere on the planet gets warmer. The technical term is Anthropogenic Climate Change (climate scientists don't use the phrase Global Warming, as it is a bit of a misnomer).

    Al Gore gets this WAY wrong. Earlier this year he was speaking in New York and saying that the warm weather there in January and February was proof of Global Warming. The truth is, as far as the global climate is concerned, January and February were two of the COOLEST months on record.

    It's a very complex subject, but interesting (well, to a nerd like me, at least). If you want to know more, I recommend this EXCELLENT lecture by Prof. Richard Muller at Berkeley:

    This is divided into 11 parts due to YouTube time constraints, so you don't have to watch it all at one sitting. But he not only goes over the real science, he also talks about how BOTH political sides--the Al Gore alarmists as well as the deniers--get it wrong.
