Sunday, November 30, 2008

Photo Tag: Stolen from Doug, Abby, Kat, and probably a few other people!

I won't tag anyone, but if you wish to do so, you can join in. Here are the rules, as copied from Doug, Abby, Kat, and who knows who else at this point!

Go to the sixth photo album on your Multiply site.

Go to the sixth (or last) photo in that album and post it to your blog.

Tell the story behind the photo.

Here's mine:

This picture is from my birthday trip to Virginia. As we rode bikes down the mountain, Savannah and Scott went crawdad hunting in the creek. Here, Scott is holding one they caught while Savannah gives him a "thumbs up."

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Which Reindeer are You?

You Are Prancer
You are the perfect reindeer, with perfect hooves and perfect flying form.

Why You're Naughty: Because you're Santa's pet, and you won't let anyone show you up.

Why You're Nice: You have the softest fur and the sweetest carrot breath.

Coal and Savannah

This is our stray kitty that we adopted. The vet estimated his date of birth as June 15, so he is not quite 6 months old.

Beginning the Christmas Decorating

This is my helper and accessorizer, Savannah!

Here's what Savannah and I did yesterday.... it's a start!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Ten Thought Tuesday- The Thanksgiving Edition

Dave and Sabrina had a great idea so of course I'm stealing it! Here's my list of ten things I'm thankful for:

1) My kids. They stuck by me when they could have left with their dad. They kept our family intact and love me unconditionally. (If you don't know, the boys are my step-sons- so that's why I'm doubly grateful.)

2) Scott. He came into my life at a time that I never thought I'd trust another man. He taught me what I should expect someone to treat me like- showed me that there are good people in the world, and that someone can love me for who I am.

3) God. He has surrounded me with love, saved me from myself, offered His grace.

4) My job. It doesn't pay much but I can do what I love, and that is worth more than money. I also get out in time to get home before the kids get home from school. That is worth a lot, too!

5) My mother. She made me a promise when the ex left, that we would be ok financially. She has given me more of my inheritance than I probably deserve, but she says she likes using it when it fills a need, not after she's dead!

6) Music. I am blessed to have the gift to perform it and enjoy listening to it.

7) My friends. And include many of you in this as well- I'm thankful to have people who are there to listen when I need to vent, who understand me and like me for who I am.

8) My church. I am blessed to be in a growing, vibrant church where the Lord is doing great things. Like Dave, I attribute that to wonderful outreach.

9) Reliable transportation. And gas prices that have really dropped!

10) Christmas- I love the lights, the smells, the parties, and the spirit that surrounds the season. I love the anticipation of Advent and the magic of the Christ Child.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Explain Global Warming to me, please!

It was 15 degrees here this morning! This is the south- only in the coldest day or two of February does it get below 20! This is the third day this week it has been this cold. I brought the dog in - her water bowl is frozen solid, so there is no way she can be out there, especially with her short fur. She does love being in with the people where it is warm.

My sister decided that today would be a good day to roast a pig. Of course, she decided this a month ago, not knowing that it would be an arctic winter in NC before Thanksgiving. But Scott and I are bundling up here in a few minutes to head that way. At least she has added a bonfire to the festivities!

So please, explain the concept of global warming to me... we're setting record low temps around here!

Monday, November 17, 2008

I'm Addicted to this Show

If you know me at all, you'll know I don't watch much TV. But Scott got me hooked on this new show- well, it is in its second season, but NBC has full episodes that you can watch online of the first season. I have watched every episode! I enjoy the wit of these writers and the twists that the story line takes each week. There is an ongoing story, in that Charlie is trying to figure out who framed him for murder and why. You'll recognize Alan Arkin, but the rest of the cast was unknown, at least to me. It is on Wednesday nights at 9pm and is the quirkiest cop show I've ever seen! Just watch this trailer and you'll see what I mean!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Inspired by Abby- The Fridge

Ok, I have an hour to kill before going to Brandon's basketball game. Scott and Savannah have gone to SC with the youth group and won't be back until Sunday (yes, I'm missing her birthday with her!) and I'm bored. So I'm posting pictures!

This is the front of the fridge. You can see a silhouette that Savannah did in class along with a picture of her that is a couple of years old. On the other door are some bills that need to be paid and the bulletin from my cousin's funeral.

Here's the side view- I think that peppermint frame used to be around the picture that is on the front of the fridge. Also you'll see an '06 Nascar race schedule, a snowflake, an Upward basketball sticker from, I think, 3 years ago. And the ticket thingy is a reentry ticket for a movie that we had to wait an hour before it started. I think it is 2 or 3 years old, too- wonder if they'd honor it? Can you tell we don't take too much off of the fridge?

And here's the top- this is where people put things when they don't want to put them in their right places. The basket is full of junk- mostly things like scissors, paper, lighters, ribbons, coupons... who really knows?

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

A Blog for Sabrina's Sons

This is from Savannah for Sabrina's boys- so it is only open to a couple of people!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Thanksgiving Ball at the Barony

Start:     Nov 29, '08 10:30p

Ten Thought Tuesday- The Veteran's Edition

1. I talked to my son, who is at Goodfellow Air Force Base (but he's army) today. They were getting ready for a big cookout!

2. Scott has been here for two days helping out with a sick girl. I don't know what I'd do without him. (I don't really want to find out!)

3. He is going to see his sister in Chapel Hill tomorrow and do some business there. He won't be back until Friday, then he and Savannah are heading off to SC with the youth group for a retreat. So I really won't see much of him the rest of the week.

4. Savannah's 12th birthday is Saturday- and I won't see her because she'll be at that retreat.

5. I've never not spent her birthday with her.

6. At least she will be having fun- and then we'll have her party the next weekend.

7. Doing the audio replys to Sabrina's blog last night was fun! Even got the kids involved. We'll have to figure out how they can "talk" to each other! Kinda different than having pen pals when we were kids!

8. I painted my bathroom off of the kitchen today. Lowe's didn't quite match the color and I had to do two coats. But as soon as I get the new towel rod and toilet paper holder up it will be just like new!

9. I wish I could go play in Abby's closet. There's nothing to wear in mine.

10. Didn't I do good? Only two thoughts were about Scott! He might be gone but he's still my alarm clock- and we've started praying, too- that is going to be a fabulous addition!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Savannah's Birthday

Start:     Nov 15, '08
My little girl will be 12! I can't believe it!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Ten Thought Tuesday- the Election Edition

1. Scott- my first thoughts are always about Scott! *giggles*

2. I'm SOOOO glad this election will be over today. Hopefully, it won't take two weeks to get the results!

3. Scott and I sat down to do our election research. It is amazing to me how much we think alike- we didn't differ on a single issue- and we're to the point in our relationship where we would have said so if we did.

4. I did vote for 3 democrats- because they were the best people for the job. Isn't that what it's all about anyway?

5. My son voted for the first time in his life! He just turned 18 in August! I'm so proud of him!

6. Scott's mom went home over the weekend. I still don't know her well, but she seems to like me. I know she likes Savannah!

7. Have I said how much I like my alarm clock lately?

8. I've started a new exercise routine- I'm walking Scott's dog in the afternoons. She doesn't really need it, but I do! And its kinda fun!

9. I took my dog to the vet today- $135.00 for a bath, shots, and exam. I don't pay that much for one of the kids. Then they wanted to give me $88 of flea prevention! Forget it!

10. The kids got report cards today- Brandon made the A/B honor roll! Considering how bad his grades were last year, this is awesome! Savannah didn't do so well- that transition to middle school (where you have to be organized and responsible on your own) is tough! Her teachers say she has improved, just couldn't overcome the first few 'learning' weeks!