Saturday, August 30, 2008

Here's the cat - he still needs a name!

Ok, since I have a daughter who would keep a zoo if I'd let her, it looks like the cat can stay as long as he wants to. We went to Wal-Mart and got him a food bowl and a flea collar. We also gave him a bath- which he didn't like while he was in the sink,  but as soon as we wrapped him in a towel he was content to be rubbed dry. So it looks like we have a new member of the family. I know once we name him he's really ours, so this is my last bit of resistance- choosing a name. I do like the suggestion of Rascal Katz (thanks Tricia!) so unless the girl comes up with something better, he'll probably end up as Rascal.

Here he is, in his favorite place on the top of my car:



  1. *giggle* I didn't come up with the katz part but you know i LOVE it!

    Catherine would be the same way, having a zoo...luckily we live in an apartment!! LOL

  2. Midnight's an obvious choice for a name, but Rascal's a good one.

  3. or Blackie Moo Moo (don't ask me to explain.....LOL)

  4. Ok, you don't have to explain... but where did that come from? LOL!

  5. He's precious (I threw out Rascal Katz for laughs since a cat must have a middle name...LOL) He looks a lot like my little guy Loki Minuit (means Midnight in French). So...I'll toss you all of my cat names I've been hoarding, since this is IT for me for several years: Coal, Raven, Cherokee, Shiloh, Beaujolais (Beau for short), Chianti, Merlot (yes you see a wine pattern), Mrroww, Patrick, I already used Loki and Bela Tristan (his full name)...lessee...*digs deeper into memory banks*, Merlin, Havilah, Simon-Peter, Jackson, Avril, Aisling (Celtic for little tree), Magic, Shimmer. That's about it. I know I have more stashed, but this is all I can recall now.

    Have you ever read the children's book "Ramona the Pest"? Her cat's name was Picky Picky which I always loved.

    That is a pretty pretty baby you have there ma'am.

  6. nice try...but that would be explaing it now wouldn't it??!! :)

  7. LOL @ they have to have a middle name?

    ooooh, speaking of books...remember Pickles the Fire Cat? I LOVED that book!!

  8. I remember Pickles! And sorry- that was Kat that suggested Rascal Katz! I thought it was Trish- sorry Kat! Savannah likes Coal- for now. We might have to live with him a few days to know his name.

  9. They do. Sometimes 2...we had one named Boogie Cat Gram once.

    I never read Pickles the Fire Cat...Now I have to find it. We have a dog named Pickle Ann...originally Chicklette Ann, but somehow it evolved (devolved?) into Pickle.

  10. Yeah I guess Blackie Moo Moo is technically THREE....*giggle*

    You must read Pickles the Fire Cat.....

  11. Now I feel the need to share my pets names....

    Kaiser Julian (RIP)
    Reznor Marie
    Sophia Paloma
    Pickle Ann
    Bela Tristan
    ChiChi Eilene
    Johnna Soleil
    Loki Minuit


  12. Looks like you DO have a zoo!! :)

  13. I love Blackie Moo Moo. I once knew a cat named Woo, which was so perfect. Then there was "Mister", and a cat named John which always cracked me up. If Johnna had been a "he" that was going to be it I think.

  14. yeah well I think I was like 4 when I named the animal that......and DISH that is all I am sayin' about THAT! :)

  15. it's a very good name.

    I love names. and animals!

  16. My brother had a Teddy Boo Boo now I think about it, also a good name. HA

  17. Savannah suggested Magi-coal as a name. I like the play on words. We're still debating, though.

  18. Cole (Coal) is a great name! He is beautiful, wow, I love his eyes!

  19. Awww...... he's adorable!! He looks just like my Vader (Darth Vader).

    It's a good idea to wait a while before deciding on a name. One I had years ago was so demanding and such a dictator will a killer instinct we ended up calling him Meow-Tzi-Tung. :D

  20. THAT is funny!

    Savannah thinks he's too sweet to be a Rascal. (of course she wants him to be a girl- and at first it was hard to tell- but he's definitely a boy!) So we'll live with him a little longer and see what comes up.

  21. LMAO @ you got me liking Gus!

  22. He has the eyes of a Gus, Trish! And the way he's laying down... Yeah, he looks like a Gus.

  23. Stedman? No, that makes me think of Oprah.

  24. A girl I work with named her dog "Rover Fido" LOL. How original.

    How about Barkley??

  25. LOL Billy- I'd shoot him!

    He does now have a name- she settled on Coal.
