Friday, August 29, 2008



  1. Sorry- I kept it private because I didn't ask her permission to put it out here- but I forgot to set it where you could see it!

  2. I posted it, but then couldn't figure out how to imbed it in a PM- it doesn't work like a blog! So I forgot to give you access to it! (And then I had to learn how to edit it... gheesh, I'm usually a bigger computer geek than this!)

  3. I'm a trial by fire computer geek....mess around till I get it to work...LOL

  4. I think that is the only type of computer geek there is! But once you figure it out once you know how to do it again. Just figuring it out is the trick. I think it was a windows update problem, too- once the dsl came back on the computer refused to renew the ip address after it downloaded an update. I had to go back and set a system restore. Dumb machine.

  5. I hate our HP tower. I LOVE my iMac, though. She's a beauty. I don't have to worry about that stuff.
