Friday, August 29, 2008

I've been absent- is your heart fonder?

I can take it if you say no- in fact, there's so much going on around here that I might not even notice! Well, not really, but this has been one crazy week! I'm so far behind on my Bible study that I might just skip a week and start again tomorrow. No one is grading this, so I think I'm allowed!

We had some minor flooding here because of the remnants of Fay, and it took out the internet connection at home. So I've been without the internet from Tuesday until last night. I didn't realize how addicted I was to this thing! I know I don't blog a lot, but I do read most every blog that my friends post and do try to comment on them. So I've missed you!

The storm also washed in one other thing- seems like I'm getting that kitten from you after all, Kat. I have a solid black, I'm guessing 12-14 week old kitten that has decided he is living here. Since both dogs haven't managed to chase him off, I think he might actually be home, whether I like it or not. I didn't plan to have another animal (read: another vet bill and another mouth to feed) but I know that cats choose you, not the other way around. So I'm holding off on naming him, but Savannah is secretly feeding him and petting him. As he is really friendly, I figure someone put him out. We'll see what happens...

Also, I had to go back to court with the sh**box (I'm calling him that now, Kat, since he is officially the ex!) because he isn't paying his child support and he isn't paying for his truck which is in my name, too. So the judge told him he has 30 days to get current on them both, or else. Or else what, I don't know. It doesn't seem that they do much to get him up off of his butt and doing the right thing.

On the plus side, Scott is wonderful! He is the best friend I've ever had, and he's been hanging around a lot. Took me to lunch three days in a row this week- and I've cooked supper for him twice! Still platonic, but leaning towards something really special. That's fine- I can wait on God and see what He has planned for both of us!


  1. Here in Michigan, the courts could take his drivers licence and any professional certification license he has if he defaults on his child support payments. Can I ask you something? Why in the world does he have a truck that has your name on it? Unless this is something that you agreed on in the divorce settlement, the truck should have been awarded to you.

  2. Settlement isn't final- that comes up next month. So this is a temporary fix until they get the permanent stuff done.

    And that would be great if they'd actually take his license- but knowing him, that wouldn't stop him. I didn't pay the taxes on the truck (why should I have?) and he couldn't renew the tag- so he just drove it with no tag. He'd do the same with no license.

  3. YES, I have been missing you. Almost called you tonight. Busy is sometimes good. Glad to hear things are ok and glad you have a wonderful friend. Those are hard to find these days!

  4. Um, God sent you that kitten. God sends EVERYONE kittens, whether they want it or not!

    Are you SURE I can't kick sh**tbox in the knees? I'll do a good job. Ich verspreche!

    I MISS YOU!!!!!!!! I sent you two text mssges. I wasn't thinking about Faye hitting you! *D'oh!* I'm sorry!

    I'm glad to hear you're okay.

    So, HOW wet did YOU get?

    Um, Scott? Liebe? Ja? Bitte?

  5. I see now. So next month you have to go and finalize everything? Im glad that my shop automatically took out my child support payments. Didn't have to ever go back to the court house with that. The Friend of the Court here sent paperwork to my payroll dept and they took it out. Funny story here. Got so used to have that payment taken out that when my last daughter turned 18, my payroll dept took out two extra payments and sent them to the State. The Court sent the payments right back to me...

  6. Oh my goodness Dish, this is terrific news! I still think he needs to be your alarm clock!

    I am really sorry about the child support issue, I struggle with this as well...the ex has not paid a dime since April.

  7. Since April??? Can I ask what the courts are doing about this? Here in Michigan if I was that far behind in support, they would be on my butt.

  8. Things can seem real nice with a memebr of the opposite sex when you are not struggle over bills together, not exchanging opinions over what to watch on TV, don't have toilet seats in the wrong position to argue over, and no wet towles or dirty underwear on the flood to get frustrated over. Life can seem real good when we are on our best behavior. Companionship is wonderful. Take time to know him. Check him out online. Don't get your heart broke. Don't break his heart either.

  9. Great advice, Jimmy. That's why I'm up at 2am- we watched a movie and then got into a deep discussion- things like what we want out of life, what we would have done differently, what went wrong in our first marriages.. and on from there. He is not ready for a serious relationship, and I doubt I am. I need everything settled first, and he needs to finish his bachelor's degree and go on to seminary. I'm great with having a fabulous friend and can wait to see what God has planned!

    Bill- they would draft his child support payments, but he keeps changing jobs. That takes about a month to catch back up with him. And they don't really do anything but give him another chance- since they say he's 'trying' - I think he's 'trying' my patience. So Abby, if I need a good knee basher, I know just who to call. Either that or maybe Ian could tackle him!

  10. And we're fine- I still have puddles in the yard but we didn't get any water in the house. It just took out the dsl in this area. Just east of here got it worse- evacuations and flooding, but we're getting into the mountains and are on higher ground.

  11. We'll use both boys. That's almost 500 pounds of kids hitting one person. lmao! I'd love to see that happen in a football game, too!

  12. Wow. I never realized it was that bad. I guess I should watch the news more often... or at least read the papers online. *sigh*

  13. I've missed you, but guessed you were just busy-- I didn't think about Fay. I also noticed the Bible study was missing, so if I hadn't heard soon, I was going to call.

    Whoever sent the kitten (and I do believe I helped kick start the sending HAHA...kiddink) I'm glad he's there. They do choose their people. There's a low-cost spay neuter clinic near Asheville towards Mars Hill (are you near there at all?) Like $30 for a male. And the first round of shots aren't that bad. If he's inside after that? He's almost free except for food. Being male, I'd put him on the low-ash/magnesium thing right off...the vet can tell you which foods, and you won't have any problems. Keep me posted on the names. You know how I LOVE names. I still haven't decided on Johnna's middle. Ass-pain comes to mind often.

    Sh*t Box is going to get something done to him...just seems to take forever. I hope you can keep the truck tho. They really mess things up for you and seem to walk away unscathed themselves. NC used to be pretty harsh with child support. But if you have a lawyer, it can be drawn out. If you have DSS...they go after him with both barrels. I ended up getting rid of my lawyer who was terrible and going to DSS who launched the attack.

    Scott does sound nice. I like the checking him out thing tho (I was all for that originally). Good idea Jimmy.

  14. I have access to his criminal background check since he works with the youth at our church- he's good. I've thought about signing up for DSS just because I know they'll stay on his case- but it reduces the amount I'll get depending on what program we'd qualify for. They keep part of his child support to help pay for it.

    I'm 99% sure we're keeping the cat- went and got it a bowl and a flea collar and gave it a bath (they love that, by the way!) It is going to have to be an outside cat- but since I'm on three acres and there is another hundred behind me, it shouldn't be a problem. It is a boy, so less worries about neutering until the spring when the cheap clinics open up. I haven't thought of a name (am leaning toward "Rascal" but that is just because that's what I seem to call him when he tangles himself up in my feet!

  15. Rascal is a good name! Cats will tangle themselves up in your feet. It's their job.

  16. I'm glad you're back, Dish! And always glad to hear things are going well with Scott. I hope you start leaning a lot more, very soon!

  17. Rascal is great.....hehehehe I'm kind of partial to that name though! :)

    It helps that you have known Scott for a while....and that you are letting things grow naturally without forcing them or jumping in!!

  18. oh good. Outside cats decide when they will stay and keep you however. Still, if he's fed and cared for, he may hang out. Rascal always makes me think of the band...maybe Rascal Katz? hahaha

    His name will come to you. I think Johnna is going to have Soleil as her middle. Someone used Katika on their I reverted back to Soleil. (If you don't speak French it's So-lay, last syllable with the emphasis)
