Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Well wasn't tonight special? Savannah and I had a great time trick-or-treating with friends. She has about 15 pounds of candy (which I ended up carrying in a Target bag while she had her light plastic pumpkin!) We went to a really exclusive neighborhood where they give out name brand candy and large candy bars. The entire town goes there for Halloween. There were witches, mummies, vampires, football players, and of course, parents, all over the place.

Some parents are really good. They hold their kids' hands, ride them on golf carts and wagons, or walk down the streets with them. Some kids are old enough to not need their parents with them, but some were out there all by themselves armed with only a cell phone.

Why would you let your 8 year old daughter loose in a crowded neighborhood, on Halloween, with only a cell phone for protection? What are some parents thinking? Savannah is almost 11 and this is the first year I haven't held her hand when it got crowded! Maybe I am overprotective but my worst fear is losing her. And this seems like a really good place to lose someone!

Stay safe this Halloween and watch out for the kids in case other people aren't!


  1. Nowadays it pays to be overprotective when you have your child/children out somewhere. And no matter what age a child is, a cell phone wouldn't be much protection if they were stalked and grabbed by an experienced predator.

  2. 100% agree - you have to be overprotective now - there are so many people out there with only the worst intentions! I'd never let my little one out like that - if they are young enough to trick-or-treat then they are too young to walk the streets without an adult!

  3. that sounds like a jolly time was had by all im glad,its just the opposite wherei live people loath it.gangs of ferrile kids,drunk,muging,smashing stuff up,demanding money at your glad its over.what is up with british people they should follow your happy tradition,richard.

  4. Let's see. For Halloween, I dressed up with Laz and held his hand (and he's 11) and we both went trick or treating. We didn't get a lot of candy but he had fun telling bad jokes to the folks. If he wants to go next year, I'm at least going to make him get a better costume. lol! No one seems to have watched Army of Darkness. I think that he'll make a good zombie. *rolling my eyes* Otherwise, well, I'll just dress up and scare the kids while I hand out candy. =) *plays Bach's organ fugues in the background*
