Thursday, October 18, 2007

It's Friday Night

Welcome to Friday night! The thoughts of two entire days with nothing in them used to be a veritable playground of fun. Hours could be filled with friends, music, alcohol, a frisbee, and a guitar. Every hour was planned, nights were long, and one event led straight to another. Life was fun and full of good times.

Welcome to Friday night in your 40's. A cup of soup, a good book, and nothing to do for two days REALLY sounds good! Don't get me wrong, I love my family and friends. Wouldn't mind a glass of wine every now and then. But the party girl is definitely the party pooper girl tonight. The best thing I can think of to do is nothing!

I thought about going shopping. I do need a few things, but for some reason that would require more movement than I seem capable of right now. This is one of those nights that if I could go to the spa I would. I just want to relax and be pampered, even if I have to pamper myself.

I am reading a wonderful book- "Eat, Pray, Love" by Elizabeth Gilbert. If you're looking for God, or your place in the universe, she takes you on a real adventure of her own quest. I can't wait to finish the book (but somehow it is also sad when you finish a book, even though you couldn't wait to read it all!) So 'ole Liz and I will be hanging out tonight- over homemade latte and chicken soup.

What is everyone else doing on Friday night?

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