Friday, October 26, 2007

What do you Buy

Usually grocery shopping does not elicit much fodder for the blog. I dare say it is a routine experience that brings me little joy or inspiration. However, I am seeing it a little differently today.
Heading to the checkout, I was perturbed to see that there were only two lines open, with each having at least three people in them. Doing what I assume most of us would, I began analyzing the contents of each buggy to try and determine which line would move faster. (Now I must say, I am usually not very skilled at this, having chosen lines that move about as fast as cold molasses in the past.)

Having made my choice, I stepped in line beside a 20 something man holding a basket over his wrist. (It is a known fact that these plastic baskets hold fewer items than grocery carts, right?) Well, as he began to unload the basket onto the conveyor belt, I was shocked at the contents. It contained no less than 4 cans of chili starter, a box of crackers, and 20 cans of baby food!

At least I amused myself as I waited by picturing the supper this man was going to have... I sure hope he has a baby at home!


  1. And lets hope he gives the baby the right one - remember that movie were Michael Keaton is Mr Mom? Scary!

  2. Hopefully men have learned more since that time... but probably not too much more!

  3. I'm quite skilled at choosing the slowest lane...not just at the grocery store...I've branched out to lines at the bank. I do my best work at Walmart.
