Saturday, October 6, 2007

Entry for October 07, 2007

Well I had a great birthday trip! We went to Damascus Virginia to ride bikes down the Creeper trail. If you have never been, I highly recommend it! We stayed at a B&B right on the trail called the Buchanan Inn. I love old houses and anything with history and this had it all! Even had a creek right outside our window that Savannah loved playing in!

For those of you who know that she possibly broke her ankle on Thursday, fear not. This child rode 17 miles on the bicycle, played in the creek, and had a wonderful time. I am going to be really surprised if it really was broken, because she hasn't complained about it the entire weekend!

The trees are already starting to change colors up there and it was so beautiful! Jim and Annette Goode, who run the B&B, were darling people- and she was such a good cook it is going to take a month to lose the pounds I gained there. She made the best french toast that I have ever had! She also served fruit and lean meat so maybe it wont be so bad- there was the ice cream at the end of the trail that called my name! I figured since I didn't have a birthday cake that I could have some ice cream- surely 17 miles worked that off! It was really easy riding, though, so you wouldn't have to be in great shape to make it. If you think you'd like to go and want to know more let me know. I'll be glad to tell you about bike rentals and places to stay!

Thanks for all the good birthday wishes! I love you all!

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